
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Truth About Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is the concept of giving love freely without restrictions. Some people like to debate about if love can ever truly be "unconditional". Can we honestly give ourselves to another, without conditions?  First, we need to understand what "love" actually is. In my opinion, love is an emotion, it's energy, it's the only thing in this existence that is perfect. Many people use the words "love" and "relationship" interchangeably, but they are very much different. There can be love present in a relationship, a relationship can be built on love, but love is not a relationship and vice versa.  When we find ourselves in a relationship with another, sometimes it's as if they can do no wrong in our eyes, even when they do in fact, do wrong. This is where boundaries come into play. Boundaries  are  conditions. Giving our love to another is a beautiful thing, but many of us forget to honor our needs. Before entering a relationship, ...