
Showing posts from January, 2020

When hardship is no longer an option.

Today, I am grateful because I've realized that suffering does not have to be my teacher anymore. Pain, hurt and grief builds character, but trauma lingers around as well. Abusive relationships have made me strong. Fake friends have made me cautious. Rejection has humbled me and I appreciate all of this, dearly. But... I deserve to grow from a place of love, not agony. I deserve healthy relationships with genuine kind hearted people. I deserve quality experiences. I no longer agree with struggling through life and settling for the cards I've been dealt. I may be a flower from concrete, but I'm aware that I belong in fresh soil. I am changing my story.  I'm grateful today because I am not yearning for better. Instead, I choose to be better. 

Calm your anxiety and get some rest with binaural sounds!

I came across this video a few years ago. I would listen to it whenever anxiety kept me up at night. It relaxed me and put me straight to sleep, every time! I'm sharing this hoping it will help someone else who may need it! Click  here

Choose to take back your power!


How to manifest WHATEVER you want, easily!

Deliberate manifesting is second nature to me. I'm not going to give you a complicated esoteric explanation of how I do it,  just a few steps that can possibly be simple, if you choose to make it simple. Clean up your beliefs.  This step requires honesty and mindfulness. If you want to manifest the love of your life, being honest and mindful will help you notice possible issues within yourself.  You might have toxic characteristics that could sabotage the relationship. For example, you may have a belief about yourself that you are a lazy or ugly. You should address this issue, figure out why you believe it and transmute this belief to something more productive.  Affirmations.  This is one of the easiest ways to reprogram your mind and manifest. Self love affirmations are amazing to start with. You can listen to them on YouTube, write down your own and say them out loud, or if you're extra like me, you can record yourself saying them, add some music, and bo...

2020 - All of your dreams are coming true, NOW!

I know I'm late, but Happy new year my loves!! Can you feel the difference?! I've felt it since New years day! I call this year the "Super size it" year.  Whatever you are putting out there, it will return to you, super sized.  If you're manifesting $100, expect to recieve $1,000! If you're ready for a new home, get ready to be moving in the perfect house in a perfect neighborhood! The best part about it is that it's all happening quickly so get prepared. Make sure you know exactly what you want!