
Showing posts from September, 2019

Tools for our evolution - New perspective about past struggles

All September long I have been clearing out old patterns, breaking cycles, gaining new insight and getting adjusted to the new and improved me. Many of us have a habit of ruminating about situations that hurt us. We carry the pain around for years. Fortunately, there is a way to heal and break free. Give your past sufferings a new title. I call my past hurt "tools". They are tools that helped me grow and evolve.  They helped mold me and build me. I am now an authentic version of myself because of these tools. Despite the pain, I am grateful for my experience with them. This analogy can be used as a visualization.  Imagine putting your "tools" away in a toolbox and only acknowledge them when necessary. By necessary I mean acknowledge them when you need to be humbled. Think of them when you need a reminder to be thankful for where you are now versus then. Don't spend excessive time with them. Get what you need and step back into the present. Find your...

Heal your body with your Mind - Video

Here's another cool YouTube  video I've come across about healing and curing your body! Check it out!

Amazing Divine message for us all. 🥰

Today I had a conversation with Peace, Happiness, and Bliss.  I asked them "What can I do to experience you, constantly?" They replied, "Don't be so quick to call on us every time you feel pain or confusion. Tough times are meant to grab your attention. Those times have some of the most deepest lessons for you. Once you learn the lesson, we will follow immediately afterwards." Just wow.  I hope this message did something for your spirit like it did for mine. 😊


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Facing your mental fears - Transmuting energy

I had a few subconscious fears come to surface over the weekend. When this has happened in the past, I would be so shaken up that I would quickly tuck them away again. This time, I welcomed them with a smile.  "Come here, fears. Let me show you how a goddess uses alchemy!" -My higher self Everything is energy, including fear. Intentional or unintentional, fear is a form of programming. It is taught. It's very possible to unlearn fear. When people hear this, they assume being fearless means you will do things like stand in front of a gun. Eliminating fear does not mean eliminate your common sense as well lol. First, be honest with yourself. Is there anything in the back of your mind that makes you feel uncomfortable? What words, places or people trigger fear in you? When you figure that out, ask yourself why. Be brave, be honest and be gentle with yourself. Don't judge yourself. Healing your inner being takes bravery! Feel relief that you are finally about t...

Message from nature - Follow your path - Trust yourself

I took a hike the other day, and as I walked, I spotted a trail that I've never seen before. It almost seemed hidden. I eagerly walked over to the trail to check it out. Immediately I noticed that this trail was different from the other trails. It looked similar to the edge of a mountain. It was narrow and high up, with a river flowing below. It was beautiful, yet terrifying, to say the least. At first I doubted the path. It appeared to be dangerous. No one else was on it. I even wondered if the hiking sign at the entrance was mistakenly placed there. But for some reason, my feet wouldn't stop moving! I curiously walked along the trail, wondering where I would end up. I stumble across a big rock and sat down. I had already planned on finding somewhere to relax and write in my journal, and this seemed to be a good spot. I was thrilled about my new found bravery. I had nothing specific to write about, but I knew something would come to me, and it did. 😊 I turned the e...