Message from nature - Follow your path - Trust yourself

I took a hike the other day, and as I walked, I spotted a trail that I've never seen before. It almost seemed hidden. I eagerly walked over to the trail to check it out. Immediately I noticed that this trail was different from the other trails. It looked similar to the edge of a mountain. It was narrow and high up, with a river flowing below. It was beautiful, yet terrifying, to say the least.

At first I doubted the path.
It appeared to be dangerous.
No one else was on it.
I even wondered if the hiking sign at the entrance was mistakenly placed there.

But for some reason, my feet wouldn't stop moving!

I curiously walked along the trail, wondering where I would end up. I stumble across a big rock and sat down. I had already planned on finding somewhere to relax and write in my journal, and this seemed to be a good spot. I was thrilled about my new found bravery. I had nothing specific to write about, but I knew something would come to me, and it did. 😊

I turned the entire experience into an analogy.

Pay closer attention
Sometimes we are so engrossed in our daily habits that we may miss (or delay) amazing opportunities for adventure and new learning experiences. I was so used to my regular routine hike that I never thought about the possibility of there being a totally different trail right under my nose.

Don't doubt your path
The way you choose to live your life may be different than what every one else has chosen. If your heart is being called in a certain direction, go there. Don't worry about if anyone else is going that way, that particular path is meant for you. Listen to your calling. Follow your heart. 💜

Be brave
You probably already know by now that the universe has your back. This truth makes it a bit easier to let go of fear and worry. Along with trusting the universe, you must trust yourself. Listen to your intuition. There really is no wrong choice.

Changing perspective
The trail was not as scary as I first perceived it to be. It actually ended up being very peaceful and it inspired me to write this amazing message that I'm sharing with you right now. 😀 Sometimes we have to hang upside down to get a different view. Ask your higher self to show you a different way of looking at things. Of course, if a situation truly isn't right, no matter how you look at it, your intuition will tell you.

Every time I mingle with nature I end up channeling some really wise messages! I hope my experience inspires you!

Peace, love and light 🌻


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