For her: Manifesting your soulmate Part 1💕

This is one of my favorite topics! Although it's fun and exciting, there is more to this process than you may think. I will be giving you some helpful tips below!

Cut ALL ties with any ex partners

I don't know why this is so difficult for a lot of women! It's like refusing to move out of a studio apartment when you have a mansion waiting for you! 😂 If you are serious about attracting the man of your dreams, you must make room for him. The universe is not going to send you a decent man, only for you to have him caught up in your baggage. Move on, sis. If your ex was your soulmate, you wouldn't be reading a blog about how to manifest your soulmate... 

Start the self love journey

I know, its starting to sound cliche. We cannot give love without loving ourselves first. Deliberately taking care of my mind body and soul was a game changer! I started eating better, dressing nicer, paying attention to my thoughts, validating my own feelings, etc. With this step, it is imperative not to do this journey thinking "Ok, I'm just going to treat myself well so that I can attract my soulmate". No, no, NO. That's not how it works. This step is strictly for YOU. Yes, relationships are utterly amazing, but it may not be healthy to base your existence on them. You will always have yourself until the day you die. Treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated. 

Set your standards and never negotiate them

This was one of the best activities I ever did. Be clear about what you want. It doesn't matter how cute he is or how much he makes you laugh, never break your standards. Ignoring red flags and settling for whatever comes around is the reason why a lot of us end up with our hearts broken. When you know exactly what you want, it's easier to ween out the people who don't qualify. Stand firm on your decision!

Stick around for part 2 :)


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