The power is in you!

In my 27 years of life, I've learned that when we look to outside resources for love, happiness and security, we will be disappointed. I'm not saying people or objects can't offer us these things. The problem comes when we rely on external things for our happiness. The disappointment should be embraced because it leads us inward. Everything we desire is already inside of us.

All of us, at some point, have relied on a romantic partner for love happiness. When we do this, we are handing over our personal power and making someone else responsible for us. Usually the partner cannot handle this responsibility and it's not fair to make them try. When you practice self love, a relationship is a plus, not a need. Love feels new and free. You no longer are dependent. Nobody can take care of you like you can! 😊

Another example is when people feel like once they have a certain amount of money or a particular career, then they will be happy and secure. I absolutely agree that money helps with everything, but what if I told you that you could be secure whenever you want to be secure?

We are all human, but we also have to remember that we are divine spiritual beings as well. That fact alone is all the security we need! We are creators. Even if you don't see it in your present reality, knowing that anything you desire is on its way can help you feel secure instantly. You have the power to be happy, loved and secure without the influence of anyone or anything. Doesn't that feel like a breath of fresh air?

Peace and love 💖


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