Freedom comes when we let go of expectation!

My daily tarot card today was "5 of swords". This card popped out of the deck at least 4 times this morning, so I knew for sure that whatever lesson it had for me, I needed to learn immediately.
Even if you don't necessarily believe in tarot, you can still take some valuable info from the overall message given below. 😊

This card showed me that my personal beliefs can block me from seeing the bigger picture. Each and every one of us are on our own life journeys. We have our own set of conscious and subconscious beliefs that we learn from our parents, peers, experiences, etc. As we socialize, we realize everyone does not think like us, which is actually a great thing. But we live in a society where many people believe that if you don't agree with their beliefs, you are "wrong" or "stupid".

Most of our disappointment comes from expectation. We expect people to think and behave the way WE want them too. This is not healthy. We come to people with an imaginary list of preferences and when they can't meet all the requirements, we deem them as bad people. 

My ex boyfriend and I have been through a lot of obstacles. I blamed him for my insecurities, bitterness, trust issues, the list goes on. Practicing mindfulness has helped me retrieve my power, get out of victim mode and take accountability for the role I played in the relationship. Still, there was always a bit of animosity in my heart whenever I thought of the things he did to me.

I expected him to be the prince charming that I imagined in my mind. He tried and failed, numerous times. Our belief systems did not match at all. Things I found important, like marriage, never even crossed his mind, prior to dating me. Now that I've taken the time to see him as an actual person who has his own inner conflict, his own ways of coping, his own embed beliefs and habits, I can finally move on in peace. I don't view him as an enemy, but merely a fellow soul, trying his best to get life right, just as I am. 

Instead of expecting people to be how I want them to be, I will now allow people to show me who they are. No judgment, no assumptions. Before I give anyone a role in my life, I will get to know the real them, without any biased influences. You can use this perspective with anything, not just people and relationships. I know it will take some serious mindful practice, but I will master this! You can too! 💖

Peace and love 


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