Why you should disengage from the news

Even as a child, I've always wondered why people would want to watch a TV program that informs you about murder in your neighborhood, for an hour straight. The news airs 3-4 times per day, the earliest time is about 7am. So people are waking up and immediately filling their subconscious with disturbing information. It comes on during lunch, after work, and then bedtime. It's called a "program" for a reason. The news programs people to live in fear. The news is meant to keep people constantly in survival mode.

I haven't watched the news in over 4 years. I don't feel the need to "keep up with what's happening". I'm well aware that bad things happen in the world, I don't need it reiterated to me throughout my day. The news magnifies negative events so well that we forget about the beauty happening all over the world. I personally believe that the good outweighs the evil. It would be difficult for me to believe that if I watched negative content daily. 

Choose to live in a peaceful reality. Some people may view it as "denial", but that's not correct. We are not denying the fact that some wild things do happen on this planet. We are just choosing not to live our lives dwelling on it. If you are terrified of snakes, would it make sense to keep turning on the TV to a show about snakes? 

At this time, we all need to be deliberately keeping our vibrations as high as possible. Feed your mind positivity. Keep your thoughts happy. Focus on love! 🌹


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