Give up the need to be right

This is a message that keeps being brought to my attention. I am a very precise woman. I reject anything that does not seem accurate to me. I don't like guessing, I need to know. I hate assumptions, I want facts. When I believe I am right, I feel strongly about my opinion, like most people. This is part of the reason I am an introvert, I take other peoples (and my own) inaccuracy personally. 

I am so thankful for this message because it puts my ego in check. I am gradually learning that some things just don't matter. Having the ability to observe and not judge makes me feel free. I'm no longer pressed about trying to prove a point. I can actually wash my hands of people and things, and let that be the end of it. I don't argue with people. My pride is not fragile. It's becoming easier and easier for me to just walk away and never think about it again. 

Sometimes, trying to be right robs you of your peace of mind. Even if you are right, don't make it so important that you're falling out with friends and losing sleep trying to prove it. 😂 Being right is NOT necessary. Let bygones be bygones.

Peace and love 


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