Paradigms - Be a free thinker!
Through social programming, we are all taught concepts that are labeled as "true". For example, most people believe that the earth is round. These concepts are accepted world wide, sometimes without being questioned. When a large amount of people agree on an idea, this is called a "paradigm". I always encourage free thinking because if you aren't questioning what you are being told, you will believe anything . You will carry certain notions, simply because the majority of the world (or the majority of people in your environment) carries them. I am not saying that all paradigms are bad. I am saying that no matter how strong the energy is behind certain beliefs, no matter how many people conclude the beliefs to be right, you should still question it. You will find that many paradigms are becoming obsolete. If you aren't being mindful, you could be following limiting beliefs, unknowingly. Sometimes paradigms are made when someone says a few fancy words, ...
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