I encourage you to choose happiness 😊

When you are ready to choose happiness, you have to be ready to let go of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE who no longer serve you. This can be easy or hard, it depends on what you believe.

Letting go of my ex felt like torture. I was a slave to familiarity and comfortability.  I was an introvert with little to no friends, so I convinced myself for a long time that he was all I had. He was my quick fix, but I knew that long term, we would end up in a disastrous situation.  I mustard up all the courage and self discipline I had in me, and walked away from him. You would think that anything toxic would be easy to walk away from... Lack of self love will have you settling for anything.

Many people stay in situations, jobs and relationships that they aren't happy in. I look at it like this, everybody is always talking about how "life is short", so what sense does it make to spend any amount of time putting energy into things that don't make us feel good? Don't think too hard about it, you deserve to feel good every second of your precious life.

Choosing happiness will change your entire reality! Make a vow today to choose happiness.


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