Migraine sufferers... Read this.

A few months ago, I began to get migraines every morning, 5 times per week, for 2 months straight! I prefer not to get into details, but as you may have guessed, it was horrific.
Whenever I got a break from the excruciating nightmare, I would research ways I could get relief. A few things helped, but the migraines persisted.

I remembered something I learned from one of my spiritual teachers, "Listen to what your body is trying to tell you". My body told me that my posture is terrible, so bad that it caused a bunch of trigger points to form in my neck. I started giving myself neck massages throughout the day, 30 minutes at a time. It worked immediately. The migraines stopped the same day and I haven't had one since.

If you feel like you've tried everything to get rid of migraines, check your posture. If you do find trigger points in your neck, massage them downward, not upward. Prior to finding out the actual cause of my migraines, things that gave me relief were

  • Drinking coffee or tea 
  • Taking hot showers
  • Using aroma therapy (I mainly used lavender oil)

I also came across a few articles that said vitamin deficiency could cause migraines.

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional or doctor, I am just giving my personal story and hoping to help others who suffer from migraines.  Hope you feel better soon! 😊


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