Self love will always be the answer

Practicing self love is important because the more you value yourself, the better decisions you make for yourself. People will treat a $10 watch from Walmart way differently than they would treat a $10,000 Rolex. What is considered valuable will be treated as such.

Not too long ago, I was treating myself poorly, without realizing it. I was entertaining jobs, friends and partners who made me feel terrible. I settled because I didn't know how worthy I was. I didn't necessarily feel worthless, but I put everything and everyone else on a pedestal while I sat on the back burner. Put YOURSELF on a pedestal. I'm not saying be arrogant and cocky, I'm saying you should be your most important priority. You should feel special and loved and significant! The more I implemented self care into my life, the more I began to realize how much disrespect I had been tolerating. Things I didn't even notice was disrespect before became so blatantly clear to me. Being lied to, yelled at, cheated on, harassed, insulted and gossiped about, always felt so normal because I didn't think highly of myself. I thought this was typical behavior and that I had no choice but to deal with it.

My tolerance for BS is now non existent. I don't even eat certain foods because I tell myself I don't deserve to feel sluggish, I deserve to feel light and energized. I don't look for anyone to validate how I feel about me. I am a decent woman because I said so.

Whenever I see people tolerating nonsense as if they have no other choice, the first thing I tell them is "Once you start to practice self love, all that foolishness will change, quickly!". You will began to attract quality people to your life who also believe in the power of loving yourself.

Peace and love


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