How to go from angry to happy, fast!

I rarely get upset, but when I do, I've learned how to quickly bring myself back to a place of serenity. These steps can be used in any order. Enjoy! 😊

Step 1: Remember to breath.

I have a weird habit of holding my breath or breathing shallowly when I am bothered. Taking a few deep breaths almost instantly helps me calm down.

Step 2: Grab a crystal.

Rose quartz literally pulls the negativity from my energy field. This is my personal favorite, but I suggest you use which ever crystal puts you in a good mood. You can also Google search which crystals are known specifically for giving positive energy.

Step 3: Have a mantra on standby.

It doesn't have to be fancy or esoteric, just something that quickly shifts your thoughts and emotions. It can be as simple as "This does not serve me, so there's no need to worry about it" or "I always choose happiness". You can say it out loud or in your mind. Put a smile on and keep reciting your mantra until the animosity leaves.

Step 4: Light some sage.

Sage smudge sticks are used to clear negative energy. I've been using them for years and they have never disappointed me. Light the sage and let it's smoke dissolve all your problems away.

Step 5: Don't take it personal.

There's just no need to take things to the heart these days. You don't need to try and figure out why that person said something mean to you. It simply doesn't matter.

Step 6: Focus on the good.

We tend to focus more on the problem than the actual solution. Focus on things that make you feel great. I think about amazing things that I have manifested, and it gets me excited about new manifestations that are to come. Anything that gets you feeling excited should be your focus of attention when you feel yourself getting upset.

Peace and love


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