Facing your mental fears - Transmuting energy

I had a few subconscious fears come to surface over the weekend. When this has happened in the past, I would be so shaken up that I would quickly tuck them away again. This time, I welcomed them with a smile.

 "Come here, fears. Let me show you how a goddess uses alchemy!"
-My higher self

Everything is energy, including fear. Intentional or unintentional, fear is a form of programming. It is taught. It's very possible to unlearn fear. When people hear this, they assume being fearless means you will do things like stand in front of a gun. Eliminating fear does not mean eliminate your common sense as well lol.

First, be honest with yourself. Is there anything in the back of your mind that makes you feel uncomfortable? What words, places or people trigger fear in you? When you figure that out, ask yourself why. Be brave, be honest and be gentle with yourself. Don't judge yourself. Healing your inner being takes bravery! Feel relief that you are finally about to be free from fear.
Remember that whatever you came up with is still, technically, thoughts. You're either fearful of something from your past or your future. Nothing is happening to you right now in this present moment. Breath. This is all energy, energy that YOU have control of.
Now it's time to transmute the energy. Let's use an example. Perhaps you fear bad health. Maybe you have some unexplained aches and pains and they worry you. Tell yourself that you are fine. Even the healthiest people have aches and pains. This does not mean avoid the doctors, but speaking peace over your body can (and it's been proven many times) change the condition of your body and mind. Your body will do what you tell it to do, only if you believe you hold that power.
Moving forward, regarding your fears, flip the situation to what you want it to be. Rewrite the story. You are the author of your life.
My heart used to race, randomly. This was extremely frightening for me. One night I said "My heart is racing because I'm excited about life." Saying this comforted me every time my heart raced and eventually the racing stopped. As I always remind you, we are Gods and Goddesses. We are source energy. We have power and control over our own lives. Fear is a vibration/energy that you can choose NOT to carry. No matter what TV shows, movies, songs and other outside influences say, you don't have to fear anything. You don't have to suffer. You don't have to be a prisoner to the past or anxious about your future. At this very moment, you get to use your free will and choose how you want to feel. You can choose to change your perspective about your fears. In fact, don't even label them "yours". They are no longer your problem!

Peace and love 💜


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