Why does this keep happening? Breaking reccuring cycles

In my past, there has been countless times where I've found myself in the same situation with familiar thoughts and feelings, asking myself "How did I end up back here again?". 

Repitition creates habits. Many people believe that habits are hard to break. This is only true if you believe it's true. Breaking recurring experiences can be simple, when real dedication and effort is applied. 

The subconscious mind 

Our subconscious minds are full of beliefs. What we believe shows up in our lives. If something in your life is happening over and over again, it's time to sit down with your subconscious. What beliefs do you have? Do you practice limiting self talk? Do you believe you aren't in control of your reality? Do you feel that you can't change or that it's "too hard"? The best way to clean up your subconscious is to monitor your thoughts.  Make an effort to filter your thoughts. Let's say you continuously get involved in dysfunctional relationships. You may notice yourself thinking things like "I'm not good enough for a decent relationship", "maybe I deserve this" or "my parents were in a relationship similar to the one I'm in so this must be normal". Sometimes the thoughts may not be this blunt or obvious so you really have to pay close attention.  You must figure out your existing beliefs in order to change them. 

Make new repetitive thoughts/actions 

As I mentioned above, habit comes from repitition. The same way we create bad habits, we create good ones. Replace every unwanted thought and behavior with positive ones. If you normally say things like "I need a cigarette" start affirming the opposite. BE PERSISTENT. Most things don't happen over night, but they can happen pretty quickly if you stay aggressively persistent.  

Overall, be gentle with yourself, but also be stern. Rewiring your mind takes self discipline. You really have to want this. Fortunately,  once you get it, you don't forget it. It gets easier and easier until it's a part of your lifestyle. I believe in you, you got this! 

Peace and love 💘 


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