Replace "Fear" with "Love" ❤

"Control freaks" don't mean any harm, they're just operating from a place of fear.

If you are in charge of all the details, how could anything possibly go wrong, right? 

Well, I have an even better idea. Learn to operate from a place of LOVE instead. I used to try and control my relationships and friendships and I always failed because we cannot control people. Attempting to control others makes everything unnecessarily chaotic. I wanted control because I thought it would prevent me from heartbreak and disappointment.  

One day I sat with myself and realized that I don't need to be terrified of hurt or pain. I've been through enough to know that yes, pain is uncomfortable, but I've gotten through it before. Now, when I connect with people I don't obsess about how I can try to prevent someone from possibly hurting me. Instead, I love with all my heart. I'm confident knowing that I am secure in MYSELF and that my emotional well being is not dependent on people outside of me. I feel secure knowing that if I'm treated unfairly, I can leave. This makes me feel strong and empowered.

I hope my experience speaks to your heart ❤ 

Peace and love 


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