
Pt. 3 Telepathic thoughts to my bundle of joy

So much happened yesterday, son. I went in for an ultrasound and I saw you! Just chilling in the corner of your little sac lol! My tiny nugget. I was so nervous until I took a glimpse at the screen and there you were. Afterwards, I made a pregnancy announcement and it exhausted me lol. I received a ton of love, but I also got some insane backlash. Nothing that I'll ever worry about, but it was kind of funny. I can't wait to teach you how to ignore people and be unbothered, like me. That's an imperative life skill lol.  So far, your growth isn't causing me any morning sickness, but it's definitely making me hungry and tired. When I get energy, I dance for exercise. I've been trying to rest, doctors orders, but its hard.  I love you.  I am sooo focused right now. Literally everything I do these days, I do with you in mind. I'm about to eat some late night dinner. ILY!! P.S. These are some of my telepathic thoughts to you that I think about throughout my day. I...

Affirmation Of The Day

 My world is always taking care of me. 

Pt. 2 Telepathic thoughts to my bundle of joy

Hey there! I keep calling you "son" because I strongly believe you're a boy. I went back to the hospital today and basically I have to go every 2 days to make sure you're developing properly. So far, so good. They keep poking me up with needles, one of my phobias. I had an Uber driver today named Bernard. That was your grandpas name, he passed away about 10 years ago. I feel like ever since he told me in a dream that I was pregnant with you, he's been making it his duty to show me he's my guardian angel. I'm so honored to be your mom, you're gonna hear me say that a lot.  The other day I cried myself to sleep, and I prayed it didn't affect you. I felt like a burden, I was triggered. The next morning I decided to lock in and keep working on strengthening my self concept. I have so many people in my life who absolutely love and appreciate me, I'm a pretty awesome girl, and these are the things that I must remind myself when I feel down. Don't...

Telepathic thoughts to my bundle of joy

Confusion, gratitude, love, fear.. This feels like it's going to be a long journey. I knew you were coming, and I denied it until I couldn't anymore. Still pinching myself to make sure I'm awake.  What's incredible to me is that I always thought if I ever unintentionally became with child that I would be deeply depressed and quite literally go insane, but after the initial shock wore off, I felt the total opposite. It's like the Universe spoke directly to me. I could hear my spirit loudly, "This is divinely ordained, not a mistake. This baby has a big purpose here. You will be divinely guided and protected." I changed immediately. My body is now your temporary Temple and I promise to treat it as such. I feel motivated to exercise again. I'm already fixing my diet. I'm planning on moving into a bigger place. I'm always trying to be 10 steps ahead, but I'm a Virgo, and so are you :) Your existence makes me feel like I have a big purpose now t...

Allowing people space to be human

Life is currently teaching me a lot about grace.   I never realized how judgmental I've been towards myself, even in the most insignificant situations. Many years ago, when I first started my healing journey, I learned about a concept called "radical self acceptance". I have recently revisited this concept and it's been life changing, yet again. I'm learning that mistakes and imperfection is perfectly ok. These things make me human. They don't take away from my value, my worth, anything. My favorite part of this new journey is that the more self accepting I am, the easier it is to accept and give grace to others.  I love operating from my feminine energy, and giving grace heightens my femininity. It makes me softer and it opens my heart to let love flow through. I will update this post soon! Love and light

"If you don't know who you are, you'll believe everyone who tries to tell you who you are."

For the Single Girlies

I'm reading a book titled "The Single Christian Woman's Guide" by Russelyn Williams. I am not a Christian, but a goof book is a good book. I believe in taking what I need and leaving what I don't. I'm not finished the book yet, but I want to talk about a chapter I recently read. It's called "Just because you are single doesn't mean you should be available". She compared dating to the Olympics. She says that when athletes participate in the Olympics, they compete for the crown and they understand that there are certain rules and ways of preforming that have to be honored in order to win. People have to be professional athletes to enter this competition. They must be qualified . She goes on to say that the same dynamic applies when dating. We cannot just let any man into our lives. We should have standards and requirements that must be met in order for a man to "win" us. You are the Olympics and your future husband is a man who has tr...