I like to believe that most people are happy and positive, but we all know that there are also low vibrational beings out there as well. Their purpose is to confuse us and make us fearful. On a brighter note, when we learn to overcome their tactics, we learn, grow and level up, spiritually. Lately, I've been seeing headlines about human trafficking and organ harvesting. Although I believe there may be real cases of these incidents, I also see something a little deeper than that. Many things surface on social media, TV and radio, usually negative things, and they quickly go "viral". This information puts many of us in distress and panic. The more people talk about it, the more momentum is added to it. Repeated information becomes embedded in our minds and becomes very real to us. I strongly feel that this is one of those tactics I mentioned earlier. My point is, be mindful of what you read and listen to. There are people out there who purposely plant negative se...