
Showing posts from March, 2019

My articles on

Check out my articles on Sivana East! I'm so grateful for your support 💜

Big lessons from little people (When my daughter teaches me)

My daughter and I got caught in the rain the other day. It was windy, freezing cold, and I felt miserable. I have a condition called "cold urticaria" where my skin breaks out in painful hives when I'm exposed to cold weather. Yes, it's terrible. My daughter was having a good ole' time jumping in puddles and  site seeing. I, on the other hand, just wanted to hurry and get home. I said to her, "Can you walk faster and stop acting like it's warm and sunny out here!?". She smiled at me and said "It's warm and sunny to me." That comment melted my heart and made me feel silly at the same time. I love when my daughter unknowingly helps shift my perspective. Lesson: Even though a situation may not seem ideal, you can choose  to make the best of it. If you don't, try not stop other people from doing so!

My favorite daily affirmations! (Rewiring the mind)

Today I choose to be happy!                                               I am in control of my life!                                                                                           I am already enough!                                                                                                 I love myself!                       ...

"The truth is, the Universe will always take care of you."

- Esther Hicks

How focusing on negative info can create chaos.

I like to believe that most people are happy and  positive, but we all know that there are also low vibrational beings out there as well. Their purpose is to confuse us and make us fearful.  On a brighter note, when we learn to overcome their tactics, we learn, grow and level up, spiritually. Lately, I've been seeing headlines about human trafficking and organ harvesting. Although I believe there may be real cases of these incidents, I also see something a little deeper than that. Many things surface on social media, TV and radio, usually negative things, and they quickly go "viral". This information puts many of us in distress and panic. The more people talk about it, the more momentum is added to it. Repeated information becomes embedded in our minds and becomes very real to us. I strongly feel that this is one of those tactics I mentioned earlier.  My point is, be mindful of what you read and listen to. There are people out there who purposely plant negative se...

Finding the lesson behind recurring situations.

Have you ever had reoccurring situation in your life? Of course you have. We all have. It makes you wonder, "Is this some type of joke? This must be karma or something!" Drives you nuts, right? Luckily, I have a few helpful tips I use to help get myself out of "never ending" cycles. Choose to see the meaning Every recurring situation holds a lesson(s) that you have to learn and grow from. Set an intention to find out the lesson behind the situation. You will be amazed at how quickly your higher self will give you answers.  Ask your spirit guides for help The moment I become frustrated or confused, I call on my spirit guides. I ask them to help calm me down so that I can think clearly. Then I ask them to help me see the situation from a new perspective. Our spirit guides are assigned to us specifically to assist us in our life journeys.  Find hidden meanings In this step, I usually sit alone in my room and go over the circumstance. What makes me a...

Hurt or habit? You have more control than you think!

Our subconscious minds respond strongly to repetition. This is why people use affirmations and audio subliminals when they want to reprogram their subconscious. We can deliberately program our minds, but most people are consuming unfiltered information, repeatedly, without realizing they are being conditioned. Did you know that we can program emotions and reactions as well? When you tell yourself a story over and over again, with the same emotions behind it, you are programming it into your mind.  Whenever this story is mentioned or thought of, your mind and body will instantly react out of habit .  "He hurt me so badly, I will never be the same." These are powerful (and detrimental) words to tell your subconscious mind. Your heart is in fact healing and you're ready to move on, but you've already told your mind numerous times that this isn't possible. This leads to confusion. We start to convince ourselves that we are damaged and suffering from trauma.  The...