Hurt or habit? You have more control than you think!

Our subconscious minds respond strongly to repetition. This is why people use affirmations and audio subliminals when they want to reprogram their subconscious. We can deliberately program our minds, but most people are consuming unfiltered information, repeatedly, without realizing they are being conditioned.
Did you know that we can program emotions and reactions as well? When you tell yourself a story over and over again, with the same emotions behind it, you are programming it into your mind.  Whenever this story is mentioned or thought of, your mind and body will instantly react out of habit
"He hurt me so badly, I will never be the same." These are powerful (and detrimental) words to tell your subconscious mind. Your heart is in fact healing and you're ready to move on, but you've already told your mind numerous times that this isn't possible. This leads to confusion. We start to convince ourselves that we are damaged and suffering from trauma. 
The solution is self awareness. The more you practice being mindful of your thoughts and emotions, you'll began to understand that we fool ourselves often. Humans have a infinite mental strength and the ability to heal exceptionally. Physically and emotionally. The majority of the negative feelings we feel towards people, things, and situations is usually out of habit. You have the ability to reprogram your mind and choose how you want to feel. Be careful of what you repeat to yourself. Your inner voice plays a major part in how your reality unfolds.

Peace and love! 


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