Big lessons from little people (When my daughter teaches me)

My daughter and I got caught in the rain the other day. It was windy, freezing cold, and I felt miserable. I have a condition called "cold urticaria" where my skin breaks out in painful hives when I'm exposed to cold weather. Yes, it's terrible.
My daughter was having a good ole' time jumping in puddles and  site seeing. I, on the other hand, just wanted to hurry and get home. I said to her, "Can you walk faster and stop acting like it's warm and sunny out here!?". She smiled at me and said "It's warm and sunny to me." That comment melted my heart and made me feel silly at the same time. I love when my daughter unknowingly helps shift my perspective.

Lesson: Even though a situation may not seem ideal, you can choose to make the best of it. If you don't, try not stop other people from doing so!


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