Finding the lesson behind recurring situations.

Have you ever had reoccurring situation in your life? Of course you have. We all have. It makes you wonder, "Is this some type of joke? This must be karma or something!" Drives you nuts, right? Luckily, I have a few helpful tips I use to help get myself out of "never ending" cycles.

Choose to see the meaning

Every recurring situation holds a lesson(s) that you have to learn and grow from. Set an intention to find out the lesson behind the situation. You will be amazed at how quickly your higher self will give you answers. 

Ask your spirit guides for help

The moment I become frustrated or confused, I call on my spirit guides. I ask them to help calm me down so that I can think clearly. Then I ask them to help me see the situation from a new perspective. Our spirit guides are assigned to us specifically to assist us in our life journeys. 

Find hidden meanings

In this step, I usually sit alone in my room and go over the circumstance. What makes me angry, uncomfortable or sad about the situation? What does each recurring situation have in common? Why do I react to this situation in this way?

When you are committed to figuring it out, you WILL. Everything that bothers us must be transmuted or integrated until we feel better about it. These tips work perfectly for me. If you try them and have success, don't be afraid to come back and share your experience with me. I would love to read it!

Peace and love 😊💜


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