How I grew my hair by talking to it 🗣️💆 - The power of words

I am a strong believer in the power of words. I feel that we have the ability to speak things into existence, heal our bodies, create our realities and much more, with the use of our words. I speak kind words to my body/organs, my food, my water, my flowers, practically everything around me gets a positive conversation!

I recently resumed my hair journey. This time around, I decided to give my hair consistent verbal praise. As I massaged my scalp with oil or conditioner,  I would say things such as

"Thanks for being so healthy and thick."

"I'm so amazed at how fast you grow!"

"Thank you for allowing every hair product I use on you to nourish and strengthen you." (I also spoke gratitude to the hair products as I used them.)

I also visualized my hair being the way I wanted it to eventually be.

So far, I've been speaking to my hair and hair products everyday for the past 2 weeks.  During this time,  my hair has improved DRASTICALLY. My hair is stronger. There's no more excessive shedding. It's growing rapidly. It's soft, bouncy and thicker.  The most mind blowing change I've noticed is that my split ends are repairing themselves! Absolutely incredible!

Speak to your life! Utilize your power to create whatever results you desire. Affirming love and kindness to ourselves, others and the things around us, has been proven time and time again to have miraculous (even medicinal) effects. I encourage you to implement this practice into your daily life.  You will see changes instantaneously!

Peace ☮️
love 💜


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