Error: Access to me is Denied!

This year I decided to cut ties with a few people. I began to realize how insignificant these relationships were and how they no longer align with who I am, or who I'm becoming.

Of course, the human in me loves the human in others, and I do appreciate the experiences I've shared with people that I have connected with.. but when it's time to leave, it's time to leave.  

Some of the reasons why I stopped giving people access to me

Being taken for granted
People getting comfortable coming in and out of my life as they choose
Connections that feel meaningless
Connections built on weak or superficial foundations
Boundaries not being respected or taken seriously
Un-equal exchange of energy (Pouring into people, but not being poured back into)
Feeling drained after interactions

I think I've always noticed these things, but as of lately, it's been more prominent to me. When you're always available to people who don't appreciate you, you are doing a huge disservice to yourself. You are making it easy for people to use you and take you for granted. As cliché as it sounds, not everyone deserve access to you. Your energy is sacred and should only be shared with people who absolutely love you and have your best interest at heart. Not just saying it to you, but showing it.

You must pedestalize yourself and fully understand that you are worth being treated like royalty. You are important, you are special, you deserve respect and you deserve to be prioritized. Create your personal boundaries and stand firm in them. Do not make exceptions. 

People who belong in your life will be more than happy to prove it to you. 💜


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