Reminder: You are in control of your world, darling

You have control over your life, your attitude, your thoughts and emotions. You decide who you want in your life and who needs to be removed. You chose whether you want to have a good day or not.

Too often, we rely on everything and everyone outside of us to be in charge of things that only we should be in control of. We expect others to make us happy, we even expect others to heal us from pain and trauma. Then we get angry when they can't meet the expectations we put on them.

I've noticed that in the past, people hated being told to focus on themselves or to love themselves, but more and more, people are finally realizing that this is crucial. It is must. True freedom and fulfillment comes when we aware that we are our own heroes. Nobody can do for you what you can do for you. Some may ask "well what's the point of relationships/friendships if we can do everything for ourselves?" Relationships and friendships have deeper meaning and value when all parties involved are sure of who they are and honor who they are. Nobody is relying on anyone to "fix' them. They are capable of "fixing" themselves. No one feels entitled to hand over their burdens. Have you ever seen two healthy well balanced lighthearted people come together as a couple or as friends? It's the most beautiful, most harmonious and healthiest thing you'll ever see!

'If you give someone power over your world, they will not create what you have in mind, they will create what they have in mind. How will that benefit you?"
- Latesha Renee 

This is your life experience. Live it to the fullest. Keep creating the life you deserve!


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