Triggered much? Read this.

Despite what social media trolls say, it's normal to be triggered. When we go through unpleasant experiences, they stay in our memory for some time. Anything can be a trigger. If you were bullied as a child, certain things people say, or the way the say it to you, may remind you of the bullying. You may start to feel the same emotions you felt as a kid.

Triggers are simply unresolved issues that bring about unwanted emotions. They are not meant to disturb you forever. When something triggers you, before you react, stop and sit with your feelings. Ask yourself "Why does (whatever triggered you) make me feel this way?" Get to the root of it. Be completely honest with yourself. 

From a spiritual aspect, I believe that triggers come to remind us where we are in our journeys. What issues still need your attention? How will you solve them? We are not meant to live our lives offended, sad and angry. Triggers are about learning how to control your emotions, and ultimately, controlling your life. 

Peace love and light!


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