Make your own rules!

Nothing has meaning until you give it meaning. That's right, you are in charge of how you interpret things. Nothing is bad or good until you choose the label and assign it. It doesn't matter what you've been told your whole life.  

I've always thought that if someone disrespected me, I had to demand that respect back by fighting. This is because I grew up in a rough environment where this was an unspoken rule. As I got older, more self aware and less ego driven, I realized that I don't care too much about insults or verbal confrontation. I don't have to demand respect from anyone, especially by putting my hands on them. I don't have to take words so personally. The respect I care the most about is self respect. I learned to walk away from people who use words to try and hurt others. I don't have to try and change their mind or prove my worth by hitting them. It's not required of me to respond to others with anger and violence. This is an example of changing meanings. 

If it no longer feels right, change the meaning. Negative to positive, not vice versa. Just had to put that out there lol 

Peace and love 💛 


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