New levels of life - birthday lessons that are changing my life

It seems like whenever my birthday comes around I get this major energetic shift. I'm flooded with new ideas, my perspective changes drastically, and I feel like my wisdom increases times 3! That's the best way I can explain it. My 29th birthday just passed (September 11th, shout out to my fellow Virgo's ♍) and I feel like I've spiritually leveled up. I feel that some sort of spiritual detox has taken place and I want to share what I am learning with you guys. 😊

Emotionally reacting 

I've been teaching myself how to stop emotionally reacting for a while, and now it seems to be sticking. I find my self breathing first and then using my logic to help me respond to whatever is happening. 

Don't take it personal

We take things personal when we are triggered. I try my best not to take things person. It finally seems to be working.

Working out triggers 

My self awareness has helped me be honest with myself and I am able to recognize when I'm triggered. I am also able to get to the bottom of the triggers so that they have no more power over me. For example, if someone makes a joke and calls me lazy. I may not take it as a joke because someone in the past may have called me lazy during a time I was depressed, so now I am taking the "joke" personal. Instead of getting angry at the person or coming down on myself, I will acknowledge why I took the joke personal. I will accept that I was in a bad place at the time. I will remind myself not to take things to the heart because this is really not a big deal, I just magnified it for a brief moment because I was triggered.  I will affirm that I am not lazy and I will let the entire situation go. 

Fully embodying the new me

I've had trouble with this for a while, but I get it now. Think about the exact type  person you wish to be and then match who you are now with that ideal version. The new me wants to be wealthy, have new friends, date potential guys who are respectful and amazing, etc. So I stop dwelling in hood bars. I eat at expensive restaurants.  I dress like a woman with money. I carry myself with confidence. I've deleted some phone numbers. I've changed my self-talk. Every single thing about me has to align with the ideal version of me. I've always knew who I wanted to be, it was just hard for me to completely align. I would still entertain jerks, still go to clubs, and talk with friends who made me feel drained by the end of the conversation.  I had to let it all go.

I will add more to this post in a few more days, as I am learning things very rapidly. I hope my experience helps you as well. ☺

Peace and love✌💛


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