
Showing posts from June, 2019

16 reasons why you shouldn't give a f**k about what people think of you (Uncensored)

I absolutely love listening to people talk about their problems (I'm not even being sarcastic). Many people face the same problem, and that is caring way too much about how others perceive them. People internalize everything other people say to them, say about them, or even the things they think   people are thinking of them! Here are some of my thoughts about this "problem". 1. Why would you let someone tell you about yourself, when a lot of these folks don't even know who THEY are?? 2. No matter how rich, poor, attractive, unattractive, popular or unpopular you are, someone will have something to say about you. 3. The only person you need to impress is YOU! 4. We live in an opinionated society. Some people have nothing better to do than gossip. 5. Don't feel angry, feel honored. 6. This is YOUR life to live. You're not a puppet. 7. Standing in your truth inspires people to stand in theirs. 8. Own EVERYTHING about you, even your embarrassing moments...

A simpler way to breaking unwanted habits

When breaking a habit, it's always good to have a more effective and beneficial habit to replace that old habit. For example, I used to eat candy often. Now, whenever I crave candy, I go straight for blueberries. Blueberries are sweet and healthy and they also satisfy my craving. This works for me. Of course, with everything, you should always have balance. That means don't over indulge, because too much of anything can become harmful. Whatever unwanted habits you have, mental or physical, write them down on one side of a paper. On the other side, write down what new habits you want to implement in your life. Here's some examples. Unwanted habit                 New habit  Eating meat               Veggie version of favorite meats Social media              Paint, write, read a book Sleeping a lot            Go for a run I per...

Powerful mantra/affirmation

"The universe has everything rigged in my favor!" This mantra comes from a quote by Rumi, that goes, "Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor". I affirm these words all the time and I've gotten miraculous results. I definitely recommend you try it!

Just be happy 😄

You don't have to search for reasons to be happy. You don't have to compare your life to others.  You don't have to dwell on what you have or haven't done. You can simply just choose to be happy.  Right now in this present moment,  give your self permission to feel happiness and bliss throughout your whole body. Block out any thought that does not make you feel happy.  This is such a powerful frequency to be in. You can manifest quickly in this state as well!

Assigning people their correct roles in your life

Sometimes, we might meet a person, find them attractive, funny and smart, and automatically want a romantic relationship with them. Only to realize later, after much trial and error, that this person is not "relationship material". This happens with friends, family, business partners, etc. Upon meeting people, we have to really get to know them. That means allow them to come as they are. No interference. No assumptions. No expectations. Let people be exactly who they are. If they are the type of person you wouldn't mind having in your life, you can choose to allow them in. Just because a person may have some characteristics that you want in a partner, does not always make them qualified to be your partner. The better you get at assigning people the right roles in your life, the better you can connect with people. You'll look back and think, "If only I had known that the guy I was seeing a few months ago was better off as a business partner, we would probabl...

Dear dad,

Time seems to be moving at the speed of light these days. It's been 4 years since you've passed away, but it feels like you just left. Tomorrow is father's day. To be completely honest, I don't keep up with this holiday. Not because it makes me sad, I just don't want to accidentally turn that day into a trigger, if that makes sense. I miss you. You'll be happy to know that I don't cry that often when I think about you anymore. I usually only cry when I picture myself walking down the aisle to my future husband, with no one to give me away. I've grown so much since you've gone. I feel like we would be so tight right now, if you were still here. We would have a completely different bond. Death is so different in my eyes now. I guess I never really thought too much about it until it hit home. It's still a mystery to me, but I'm happy to say my fear of it decreased a bit.. They say we choose our parents. I know for a fact that I chose ...

Ridding the old and welcoming the new! (Ritual)

Over the weekend, my best friend and I did a ritual where we wrote down all of the things that we no longer accepted, that no longer benefited us, and things that we wanted gone, permanently . We lit sage sticks, surrounded ourselves with healing crystal and candles, played 528 Hz frequency music and began to write. We took a few deep breaths, cleared our minds, and affirmed out loud what we were letting go of. Then we burned the papers. We watched as our old beliefs quietly burned away, never to return. After the ritual, on smaller pieces of paper, we wrote down words that we wanted to use to describe us and our new lives. Powerful Brave Love Compassionate Energetic Healthy Just to name a few.. We taped the small papers to our own water bottles. We thanked the universe (God) for this new chapter in our lives, and we drink our water. This activity symbolized that we were "pouring into ourselves". Pouring intentional  things into our spirits. The following morning...

How to transmute energy

People all over the world are beginning to realize that we have more power over our lives than we thought. So much power, that we can control energy in many different ways. One of those ways is called "transmutation". Here's the definition of transmute, according to Google. Transmute /tranz'myōōt/ Verb Change in form, nature, or substance.  Flip the script When you feel negative energy, think about what is causing it. Say your co-worker said something that triggered. You can feel yourself getting angry. Find a way to flip the whole situation around. Take a few breaths. Remind yourself not to take things so personal. Everyone expresses themselves differently, it might come off rude, but they may not mean any harm. Another example is changing the meaning to things. You may, out of habit of learned behavior, find bugs scary. When you see a spider, try thinking good things about the spider. Before you know it, your fear of spiders will start to seem silly.  Fin...