16 reasons why you shouldn't give a f**k about what people think of you (Uncensored)
I absolutely love listening to people talk about their problems (I'm not even being sarcastic). Many people face the same problem, and that is caring way too much about how others perceive them. People internalize everything other people say to them, say about them, or even the things they think people are thinking of them! Here are some of my thoughts about this "problem". 1. Why would you let someone tell you about yourself, when a lot of these folks don't even know who THEY are?? 2. No matter how rich, poor, attractive, unattractive, popular or unpopular you are, someone will have something to say about you. 3. The only person you need to impress is YOU! 4. We live in an opinionated society. Some people have nothing better to do than gossip. 5. Don't feel angry, feel honored. 6. This is YOUR life to live. You're not a puppet. 7. Standing in your truth inspires people to stand in theirs. 8. Own EVERYTHING about you, even your embarrassing moments...