A simpler way to breaking unwanted habits

When breaking a habit, it's always good to have a more effective and beneficial habit to replace that old habit. For example, I used to eat candy often. Now, whenever I crave candy, I go straight for blueberries. Blueberries are sweet and healthy and they also satisfy my craving. This works for me.
Of course, with everything, you should always have balance. That means don't over indulge, because too much of anything can become harmful.
Whatever unwanted habits you have, mental or physical, write them down on one side of a paper. On the other side, write down what new habits you want to implement in your life. Here's some examples.

Unwanted habit                 New habit 
Eating meat               Veggie version of favorite meats
Social media              Paint, write, read a book
Sleeping a lot            Go for a run

I personally believe this is the most helpful way to break habits. Practice makes perfect and having a clear idea of what you need to do is always a recipe for success! Good luck, you got this!

Peace, love and light 🌻


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