16 reasons why you shouldn't give a f**k about what people think of you (Uncensored)

I absolutely love listening to people talk about their problems (I'm not even being sarcastic). Many people face the same problem, and that is caring way too much about how others perceive them. People internalize everything other people say to them, say about them, or even the things they think people are thinking of them!
Here are some of my thoughts about this "problem".

1. Why would you let someone tell you about yourself, when a lot of these folks don't even know who THEY are??
2. No matter how rich, poor, attractive, unattractive, popular or unpopular you are, someone will have something to say about you.
3. The only person you need to impress is YOU!
4. We live in an opinionated society. Some people have nothing better to do than gossip.
5. Don't feel angry, feel honored.
6. This is YOUR life to live. You're not a puppet.
7. Standing in your truth inspires people to stand in theirs.
8. Own EVERYTHING about you, even your embarrassing moments in the past! Who cares! Nobody in this world can expose a person who owns their shit!
9. Stop holding on to people's judgments as if they are some type of Lord and savior. These people don't have any power over you unless you give it to them.
10. Being judged is normal. If they aren't physically hurting you, it doesn't matter what they are saying.
11. Give up the need to convince people to understand you.
12. Don't adjust for ANYONE. They can either love you or get lost.
13. When people see how affected you are by their words, they'll keep trying you. Don't let it affect you!
14. Sometimes people aren't even worried about you, it's all in your head.
15. Walk with confidence and conviction, no matter who's around.
16. Know who you are and be clear about what you want. People who lack this understanding will fall victim to caring about what others feel about them.

You have to stand firm in your truth. This is your shield. This is what makes you powerful, unshakable and unbreakable! Words are just words. You don't have to let what people say penetrate your mind or heart. Nobody can be you better than you can be you. Live your life happy and care free. Figure out what you love and do it! When people talk, swat their words away like you would a mosquito 😂 You can choose not to allow that negative talk into your reality. This is your life! Be grateful, Be aware, and be you 😊

Peace ✌
Love 💜
and light 🌞


  1. Wow!!!! This why I love you. My spirit is.... #loveit

  2. Wow, perfectly said. It taken me years to understand this logic. All your choices comes with a conscience and non of these people criticizing you will deal with those consequences so at the end of the day they opinion or outlook of you doesn't matter. Truly recognizing your worth will help with blocking out the nonsense and haters.


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