Assigning people their correct roles in your life

Sometimes, we might meet a person, find them attractive, funny and smart, and automatically want a romantic relationship with them. Only to realize later, after much trial and error, that this person is not "relationship material". This happens with friends, family, business partners, etc.

Upon meeting people, we have to really get to know them. That means allow them to come as they are. No interference. No assumptions. No expectations. Let people be exactly who they are. If they are the type of person you wouldn't mind having in your life, you can choose to allow them in.

Just because a person may have some characteristics that you want in a partner, does not always make them qualified to be your partner. The better you get at assigning people the right roles in your life, the better you can connect with people. You'll look back and think, "If only I had known that the guy I was seeing a few months ago was better off as a business partner, we would probably have an amazing business going right now, and we could have avoided that traumatic break up!" . You will start to put more value into human connections, instead of putting all the value into the labels.

Be honest, patient, and unbiased. Placing people where they truly fit in your life makes things less complicated. It reminds you that you do have a great amount of control of what you choose to experience in your life.

Peace and love 💜


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