How to transmute energy

People all over the world are beginning to realize that we have more power over our lives than we thought. So much power, that we can control energy in many different ways. One of those ways is called "transmutation". Here's the definition of transmute, according to Google.

Transmute /tranz'myōōt/

Change in form, nature, or substance. 

Flip the script

When you feel negative energy, think about what is causing it. Say your co-worker said something that triggered. You can feel yourself getting angry. Find a way to flip the whole situation around. Take a few breaths. Remind yourself not to take things so personal. Everyone expresses themselves differently, it might come off rude, but they may not mean any harm. Another example is changing the meaning to things. You may, out of habit of learned behavior, find bugs scary. When you see a spider, try thinking good things about the spider. Before you know it, your fear of spiders will start to seem silly.  Find your own personal way to turn things around so that you can stay in a high frequency. You can do this with ANYTHING in your life. It takes practice, but it is well worth it. Transmutation is life changing!


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