Dear dad,

Time seems to be moving at the speed of light these days. It's been 4 years since you've passed away, but it feels like you just left.
Tomorrow is father's day. To be completely honest, I don't keep up with this holiday. Not because it makes me sad, I just don't want to accidentally turn that day into a trigger, if that makes sense.

I miss you.

You'll be happy to know that I don't cry that often when I think about you anymore. I usually only cry when I picture myself walking down the aisle to my future husband, with no one to give me away.

I've grown so much since you've gone. I feel like we would be so tight right now, if you were still here. We would have a completely different bond.

Death is so different in my eyes now. I guess I never really thought too much about it until it hit home. It's still a mystery to me, but I'm happy to say my fear of it decreased a bit..

They say we choose our parents. I know for a fact that I chose mine. Thank you for agreeing to be my father during your life experience here on earth. You have taught me so many lessons, many that you weren't even aware of.

You've struggled with your own personal battles and still managed to do the best you could, as my dad.  Thank you for the memories, the lessons, and for helping mold me into the woman I am today. I love you. Happy father's day! 😇👣


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