Acting as if - Manifesting

Instead of waiting for your manifestation/blessing to show up, act like you already have it!

Our feelings play a huge part in manifesting. The universe responds to our frequency. If you desire a new car, you have to imagine that you already have it. Use all of your senses. Smell the new car scent. Feel the steering wheel in your hands. Imagine the wind in your hair while you're driving to the beach. If you're home, pretend the car is parked outside. Sit with that feeling of satisfaction. Hold on to it for as long as you can. Visualizing, in detail, will put you in the right frequency. The frequency to receive. 

"Acting as if" is the most effective way to manifest. Get rid of the idea of "waiting". Time is an illusion. Stay present and let your desires appear in your life like magic.

If you have just discovered the law of attraction, these exercises may feel silly at first. With consistency, it will become second nature.
Remember, manifesting requires creativity. Be as creative as a child. Logic is not always necessary when you are creating.


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