The magic in having faith

When we have repetitive experiences,  our minds begin to believe that we will always get certain results in certain situations.  For example, if you continuously apply for jobs, but the employers never call you back, most likely you will start to believe that you have "bad luck" regarding employment. You might become discouraged and stop filling out job applications all together.

"Faith" is a term that I became familiar with when I started to attend church. Although that was almost a decade ago and I no longer attend church,  I never let go of the concept of faith.

I have faith in my ability to create the life I want. 

Learn how to detach from outcomes. Try not to be too specific, but instead,  be flexible about how and when you will recieve your desires. For example if you decide you want an extra $500, don't say "I want to win the lottery on blank date". When you do this, you are creating limitations. Remember, possibilities are endless! You could find the money, it could be randomly gifted to you, you could get a refund check in the mail, you could sell some of your old belongings and you can even get the money before the specifc date you set! I've witness things like this happen for others and I have also experienced this myself, countless times. Touching back on the employment example above,  sometimes people get turned down by a specific company and they lose motivation. Before you know it, a higher paying job with more benefits comes along and it's closer to home. This happens all the time.

"I will end up getting exactly what I need, regardless."

I use this affirmation to remind myself not to get attached to specific outcomes. When you have faith,  that means you don't worry about "how" or "when". You let life do the magic for you. Your only job is to live a lifestyle of appreciation.  Be grateful for what you already have and the things to come.

When practicing faith, you must eliminate the word "hope". There is no room for hope. Words are energy.  You don't want to carry around "hopeful" energy.  You need to be confident and KNOW.

Lesson the importance of your desires. Us humans love to over complicate our lives by make everything extreme.  When you look at your desires in a "It's no big deal" kind of way,  you are letting go of resistance and allowing nature to do it's job. Let it flow.

Stop counting the times things didn't go how you wanted them to. Many people become discouraged and give up because they have an imaginery rap sheet reminding them that "the odds are against them". We all have experiences where things turned out perfectly, but most people are programmed to magnify unpleasant experiences. Get a journal and write down every single time things go in your favor. Big or small. Pull out this journal every time your ego tries to trick you into thinking that life is working against you.  Trust me, the universe has your back!

Like I always tell you guys, practice makes perfect. Practice these tips until they become embedded in you. As simple as these tips may seem, they can drastically change your life! Don't forget to share this blog with your loved ones.

Peace and love 🥰


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