The danger of believing "This is too good to be true." 😱

"Things are going too well, something is bound to happen."
"There's always a calm before the storm."
"This is too good to be true."

We've all used one of these phrases at some point. Years ago, I repeated these things so much that they became a part of my belief system.

The law of attraction is always working, rather we are paying attention or not. Our realities are created based off of our beliefs. What we believe, we receive. Therefore, if you believe that having a great day is far-fetched, you won't have great days.

Before I had my spiritual awakening, I felt lost. I thought that my life was full of random events and that I had no control, whatsoever. Looking back, I realize my beliefs influenced many of those "random events". When things went well for me, I would think "Oh man, what's about to happen?". I was literally creating unpleasant experiences for myself because I was expecting them.

I believe we rely on this way of thinking as a coping mechanism. As a result of past disappointments, we learn to prepare ourselves for the worse. We become afraid of getting our hopes too high.

The things we speak hold incredible power.

There is infinite power in our words. This is why I always remind myself and others to be careful of the things we say and think.

Here are a few affirmations I use to keep myself on track. Remember to smile when saying affirmations. It will instantly perk up your mood and help you believe what you are saying.

• There's no law saying things have to go wrong.
• I deserve amazing experiences.
• What if everything went right?
• Life is good.
• Even if things don't go exactly how I want them to, I know I will still be happy and satisfied with whatever happens.
• Everything is going well because I deserve it.
• The odds are always in my favor.
• How can this day get any better?

I encourage you to repeat these affirmations to yourself, daily.

The majority of us share a common goal in life: to have peace of mind. When things are going good, don't ruin your peace by subconsciously creating unpleasant experiences. Things go well when you live an honest life with pure intentions. Be proud of that. Celebrate it!

Peace and love 💕


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