Why I don't believe in "hope" and you shouldn't either

We are creators, Gods, Goddesses, source energy, etc.  We are a part of the universe. With that being said, we are POWERFUL. We have the ability to create whatever we want.

When I set an intention to manifest, I do not hope for it. I am CERTAIN that my manifestation will come into fruition. If God had to hope, we would view God as unreliable. People would probably even lose faith.
We are certain that God is certain.  If we are made in God's image, we too are Gods.  Therefore, there is no need to ever "hope".

I have never created anything through hoping. I believe in my power. 

This word carries energy of powerlessness.  It's used by people who are unaware of who they really are and what they are capable of.
I encourage you to stand firm in your own power.  Take "hope" out of your vocabulary and start believing in yourself, 100%.

Peace, love and light 🥰


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