Your soul tribe 🥰

I recently came to the realization that I have people in my life that are compatible with my old self. These are people that I love and care about, but they no longer resonate with who I currently am.

When you begin to unlearn old ways of being, you step into your authentic self. During this process, you inevitably start to notice that the company you keep may not benefit you anymore. This does not mean they are bad people.

If you feel uncomfortable, or you feel like you can't say certain things without being judged negatively, these people are most likely not your soul tribe.

There are some friends and relatives who subliminally disrespect/insult you and it may fly over your head, but your spirit will feel it. For example, when I first mentioned I wanted to be a homemaker, one response I got from someone was "Oh, I couldn't do it. I'm not the type to sit around with my hand out..." Another person's response was "That's awesome! I know a bunch of homemakers and they seem very fulfilled."
Some people may not agree with your decisions, but your soul tribe will be mindful of what they say and they will support you. Pay close attention to people's "word play".

When you find yourself questioning the people you're around, or you start to question yourself, or feeling drained after being around certain people, it may be time to reevaluate.

This goes for the people you date as well.

I've noticed that I have been minimizing myself because I'm used to being around people who have a more limited way of thinking than me. When you realize this, don't play the blame game. There is no fault in this situation.  You simply have become aware of something you weren't aware of before. No one is better than the next. Everyone is on different frequencies.  All you have to do is have faith that you will attract people who are on your new frequency. Trust me, they are coming!

You will feel at home with your tribe.  You won't question their loyalty.  They will support you, love you, defend you, and embrace you. They will grow with you and there will be an instant soul connection between you all. You won't feel like you need to hide who you are.  They will understand your deepest thoughts.

Your soul tribe comes when you figure out who you truly are. It's similar to finding your soulmate.

If you are experiencing loneliness or you feel like nobody understands you,  be patient. Find comfort in knowing that there are people out there who can't wait to know someone like you 😊

Peace, love and light 💕


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