
Showing posts from 2020

Make your own rules!

Nothing has meaning until you give it meaning. That's right, you are in charge of how you interpret things. Nothing is bad or good until you choose the label and assign it. It doesn't matter what you've been told your whole life.   I've always thought that if someone disrespected me, I had to demand that respect back by fighting. This is because I grew up in a rough environment where this was an unspoken rule. As I got older, more self aware and less ego driven, I realized that I don't care too much about insults or verbal confrontation. I don't have to demand respect from anyone, especially by putting my hands on them. I don't have to take words so personally. The respect I care the most about is self respect. I learned to walk away from people who use words to try and hurt others. I don't have to try and change their mind or prove my worth by hitting them. It's not required of me to respond to others with anger and violence. This is an example of c...

Change your life by reprogramming your mind

 I always talk about the importance of being mindful because it is truly vital. Our environment, the way we were raised, and media, play a big part in or perspectives and beliefs.  If you find yourself feeling unsatisfied with the way your life is, pay close attention to your thoughts. You may have beliefs that don't align with where you want to be in life. For example, people who are poor may believe wealth is far-fetched or a person who wants love may attract terrible relationships because they might have been raised in an environment where dysfunctionality was normal. In order to break free of beliefs that don't fit in your life anymore, you must learn to be self aware by catching your thoughts.  Spend a day monitoring your thoughts. Especially your dominant thoughts. I was anxiety ridden for years, so my dominant thoughts made me feel fearful and worried 70% of the time. I didn't notice this until I consciously decided to pay attention to what I was thinking on a day...

Are you ready to change your life?

Changing your life starts with changing the way you think . Monitoring your thoughts is a full time job, plus over-time. It's not something you work on once in a while. In order to see life changing results, you have to consistently monitor your thoughts. If your inner voice is usually harsh or self doubting, change it.  Think about the person you aspire to become. Know that you can be that person. Now match yourself and your life with that person.  If that person is an entrepreneur, you have to think and behave like an entrepreneur.  Get rid of all things that opposed to being an entrepreneur.  That means being careful of your thoughts. As I always say, practice makes perfect. You must persist! 

New levels of life - birthday lessons that are changing my life

It seems like whenever my birthday comes around I get this major energetic shift. I'm flooded with new ideas, my perspective changes drastically, and I feel like my wisdom increases times 3! That's the best way I can explain it. My 29th birthday just passed (September 11th, shout out to my fellow Virgo's ♍) and I feel like I've spiritually leveled up. I feel that some sort of spiritual detox has taken place and I want to share what I am learning with you guys. 😊 Emotionally reacting  I've been teaching myself how to stop emotionally reacting for a while, and now it seems to be sticking. I find my self breathing first and then using my logic to help me respond to whatever is happening.  Don't take it personal We take things personal when we are triggered. I try my best not to take things person. It finally seems to be working. Working out triggers  My self awareness has helped me be honest with myself and I am able to recognize when I'm triggered. I am also ...

A message many of us may need right now

I sent this text to my best friend the other morning. She posted it on her Instagram and got a lot of positive feedback so I decided to post it here! Many of us need this reminder 😊  

When you want to see change, you gotta do different things!

Albert Einstein said "Insanity  is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I believe we all learn this the hard way. You cannot keep up with the same, beliefs, thoughts, habits and behaviors and expect for a different outcome to show up in your life. If you work at the post office 30 hours per week and you're not satisfied with your paycheck, you can't just continue going to work 30 hours a week and expect to see a difference in your paycheck. Nothing changed. But if you pick up more hours a week or apply to a higher paying job, then you will see an increase in your paycheck.  Do something different to see something different. I don't care about comfort zones. Comfort zones eventually get uncomfortable. We have to do what we have to do in order to experience the life we deserve. If you needed a sign, here it is! Lol Peace and love 

Why does this keep happening? Breaking reccuring cycles

In my past, there has been countless times where I've found myself in the same situation with familiar thoughts and feelings, asking myself "How did I end up back here again?".  Repitition creates habits. Many people believe that habits are hard to break. This is only true if you believe it's true. Breaking recurring experiences can be simple, when real dedication and effort is applied.  The subconscious mind  Our subconscious minds are full of beliefs. What we believe shows up in our lives. If something in your life is happening over and over again, it's time to sit down with your subconscious. What beliefs do you have? Do you practice limiting self talk? Do you believe you aren't in control of your reality? Do you feel that you can't change or that it's "too hard"? The best way to clean up your subconscious is to monitor your thoughts.  Make an effort to filter your thoughts. Let's say you continuously get involved in dysfunctional rela...

Affirmations for health

My body is always working to keep me healthy. Everything I eat and drink nourishes my body.  My body naturally heals itself.  I am completely healthy. My immune system is strong.  My body fights all diseases, viruses and infections. I love my body. I am grateful for my perfect health.  During this time, I encourage you to stay calm and keep faith. This too shall pass!

Affirmation of the day

There are no such things as obstacles! This affirmation has made it even easier for me to create/manifest. Things just flow to me, without any blocks. Say this every day, especially when you catch yourself entertaining "obstacles". Peace and love!

It IS possible to change your past! - Revision - Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard taught a technique called "Past Revision". This is where you think about a past event that you didn't like, and you revise it by imagining the event playing out the way you prefer it to. It's supposed to create a ripple effect that positively affects your present life. For example, if you were bullied in school this had an impact on your self esteem, you could revise it. Imagine the bully saying nice things to you. In your present life, your self esteem would rebuild itself and you may even become friends (or at least not enemies) with the bully.  I've known about this technique for some time, but I just recently applied it. I can't even describe how helpful it has been. I’ve revised countless situations from my past and I have seen instant results. Even if you're kind of skeptical, it wouldn’t hurt to try. Don’t overthink it. Remember that you control your reality. You have infinite power and there are infinite possibilities, which me...

When hardship is no longer an option.

Today, I am grateful because I've realized that suffering does not have to be my teacher anymore. Pain, hurt and grief builds character, but trauma lingers around as well. Abusive relationships have made me strong. Fake friends have made me cautious. Rejection has humbled me and I appreciate all of this, dearly. But... I deserve to grow from a place of love, not agony. I deserve healthy relationships with genuine kind hearted people. I deserve quality experiences. I no longer agree with struggling through life and settling for the cards I've been dealt. I may be a flower from concrete, but I'm aware that I belong in fresh soil. I am changing my story.  I'm grateful today because I am not yearning for better. Instead, I choose to be better. 

Calm your anxiety and get some rest with binaural sounds!

I came across this video a few years ago. I would listen to it whenever anxiety kept me up at night. It relaxed me and put me straight to sleep, every time! I'm sharing this hoping it will help someone else who may need it! Click  here

Choose to take back your power!


How to manifest WHATEVER you want, easily!

Deliberate manifesting is second nature to me. I'm not going to give you a complicated esoteric explanation of how I do it,  just a few steps that can possibly be simple, if you choose to make it simple. Clean up your beliefs.  This step requires honesty and mindfulness. If you want to manifest the love of your life, being honest and mindful will help you notice possible issues within yourself.  You might have toxic characteristics that could sabotage the relationship. For example, you may have a belief about yourself that you are a lazy or ugly. You should address this issue, figure out why you believe it and transmute this belief to something more productive.  Affirmations.  This is one of the easiest ways to reprogram your mind and manifest. Self love affirmations are amazing to start with. You can listen to them on YouTube, write down your own and say them out loud, or if you're extra like me, you can record yourself saying them, add some music, and bo...

2020 - All of your dreams are coming true, NOW!

I know I'm late, but Happy new year my loves!! Can you feel the difference?! I've felt it since New years day! I call this year the "Super size it" year.  Whatever you are putting out there, it will return to you, super sized.  If you're manifesting $100, expect to recieve $1,000! If you're ready for a new home, get ready to be moving in the perfect house in a perfect neighborhood! The best part about it is that it's all happening quickly so get prepared. Make sure you know exactly what you want!