
Showing posts from April, 2019

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Twitter:  @ _LateshaRenee_  🐤 Youtube: Latesha Renee  📺 Snapchat: lavishlifetesh 👻 I love you guys! Thanks for supporting me! 

Becoming vegan: Where to start 🥗🍝🍓🥑

I finally made the decision to become vegan! I'm so excited, this is definitely something to celebrate about! Choosing this path can seem overwhelming at first, but I'm going to tell you guys every step I took to make it easier. Know exactly why you want to be Vegan I chose to change my diet for two reasons. One, I no longer have a taste for animal (I love animals so much and the thought of eating their carcasses has become increasingly disturbing). The second reason is that "junk food" is beginning to take a toll on my body, to the point I can no longer ignore it. What's your personal reason for this amazing lifestyle change? Figure it out, be proud and stand strong in it! Look up a "vegan grocery list" I had no clue where to start when it came to which foods I should buy. There are tons of vegan food shopping lists online. There's even some budget friendly lists so that you can eat clean without tapping into your savings! Click  here t...

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Migraine sufferers... Read this.

A few months ago, I began to get migraines every morning, 5 times per week, for 2 months straight! I prefer not to get into details, but as you may have guessed, it was horrific. Whenever I got a break from the excruciating nightmare, I would research ways I could get relief. A few things helped, but the migraines persisted. I remembered something I learned from one of my spiritual teachers, "Listen to what your body is trying to tell you". My body told me that my posture is terrible, so bad that it caused a bunch of trigger points to form in my neck. I started giving myself neck massages throughout the day, 30 minutes at a time. It worked immediately. The migraines stopped the same day and I haven't had one since. If you feel like you've tried everything to get rid of migraines, check your posture. If you do find trigger points in your neck, massage them downward, not upward. Prior to finding out the actual cause of my migraines, things that gave me relief were ...

For her: "Boss up" after break up 💔

Many women think that bossing up after a break up means to get a new man, look cute, take trips with the girls, etc. Although I believe these things help 100 percent, I've also found other really important ways to boss up after a break up. Disappear Completely. Change your number, deactivate your social media accounts for a bit, block his email, move to a new city. In a nutshell, vanish! This helps you prove to yourself that you don't even care to show him the new and improved you. He doesn't need to know you have a new boo, a better job, or that your skin cleared up and you look stunning. It's none of his business! Don't give him the pleasure of being able to get updates on your new life without him. You are not doing this for him, you are doing this for you. You did enough proving yourself during the relationship. You don't have to prove a damn thing to him now. Let him feel your absence! 😎 Don't be sad for too long Everything points us towa...

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For her: Manifesting your soulmate Part 1💕

This is one of my favorite topics! Although it's fun and exciting, there is more to this process than you may think. I will be giving you some helpful tips below! Cut ALL   ties with any ex partners I don't know why this is so difficult for a lot of women! It's like refusing to move out of a studio apartment when you have a mansion waiting for you! 😂 If you are serious about attracting the man of your dreams, you must make room for him. The universe is not going to send you a decent man, only for you to have him caught up in your baggage. Move on, sis. If your ex was your soulmate, you wouldn't be reading a blog about how to manifest your soulmate...  Start the self love journey I know, its starting to sound cliche. We cannot give love without loving ourselves first. Deliberately taking care of my mind body and soul was a game changer! I started eating better, dressing nicer, paying attention to my thoughts, validating my own feelings, etc. With this st...

Give up the need to be right

This is a message that keeps being brought to my attention. I am a very precise woman. I reject anything that does not seem accurate to me. I don't like guessing, I need to know. I hate assumptions, I want  facts. When I believe I am right, I feel strongly about my opinion, like most people. This is part of the reason I am an introvert, I take other peoples (and my own) inaccuracy personally.  I am so thankful for this message because it puts my ego in check. I am gradually learning that some things just don't matter. Having the ability to observe and not judge makes me feel free. I'm no longer pressed about trying to prove a point. I can actually wash my hands of people and things, and let that be the end of it. I don't argue with people. My pride is not fragile. It's becoming easier and easier for me to just walk away and never think about it again.  Sometimes, trying to be right robs you of your peace of mind. Even if you are right, don't make it so ...

Tarot reading sale! 🔮

I'm offering 3 card readings Past - present - future Price: $5.55 Paypal: If you are interested, comment or email me at my paypal email address! 

5 Life-Transforming Habits You Need To Practice ASAP

Click 👉  here  👈 to check out my most popular read on This article is filled with a ton of life changing info 😊

For her!

I will be posting a series of blogs that are specifically for women! I will be talking about dating, attracting your soulmate, mom chit-chat and more! To find the blogs easier you can type "For her" in the search bar above! I'm super excited about this upcoming content, stay tuned 😊😊

I encourage you to choose happiness 😊

When you are ready to choose happiness, you have to be ready to let go of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE who no longer serve you. This can be easy or hard, it depends on what you believe. Letting go of my ex felt like torture. I was a slave to familiarity and comfortability.  I was an introvert with little to no friends, so I convinced myself for a  long  time that he was all I had. He was my quick fix, but I knew that long term, we would end up in a disastrous situation.  I mustard up all the courage and self discipline I had in me, and walked away from him. You would think that anything toxic would be easy to walk away from... Lack of self love will have you settling for  anything. Many people stay in situations, jobs and relationships that they aren't happy in. I look at it like this, everybody is always talking about how "life is short", so what sense does it make to spend any amount of time putting energy into things that don't make us feel good? Don't...

Self love will always be the answer

Practicing self love is important because the more you value yourself, the better decisions you make for yourself. People will treat a $10 watch from Walmart way differently than they would treat a $10,000 Rolex. What is considered valuable will be treated as such. Not too long ago, I was treating myself poorly, without realizing it. I was entertaining jobs, friends and partners who made me feel terrible. I settled because I didn't know how worthy I was. I didn't necessarily feel worthless, but I put everything and everyone else on a pedestal while I sat on the back burner. Put YOURSELF on a pedestal. I'm not saying be arrogant and cocky, I'm saying you should be your most important priority. You should feel special and loved and significant! The more I implemented self care into my life, the more I began to realize how much disrespect I had been tolerating. Things I didn't even notice was disrespect before became so blatantly clear to me. Being lied to, yelled ...

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Freedom comes when we let go of expectation!

My daily tarot card today was "5 of swords". This card popped out of the deck at least 4 times this morning, so I knew for sure that whatever lesson it had for me, I needed to learn immediately. Even if you don't necessarily believe in tarot, you can still take some valuable info from the overall message given below. 😊 This card showed me that my personal beliefs can block me from seeing the bigger picture. Each and every one of us are on our own life journeys. We have our own set of conscious and subconscious beliefs that we learn from our parents, peers, experiences, etc. As we socialize, we realize everyone does not think like us, which is actually a great thing. But we live in a society where many people believe that if you don't agree with their beliefs, you are "wrong" or "stupid". Most of our disappointment comes from expectation. We expect people to think and behave the way WE want them too. This is not healthy. We come to peo...

How to go from angry to happy, fast!

I rarely get upset, but when I do, I've learned how to quickly bring myself back to a place of serenity. These steps can be used in any order. Enjoy! 😊 Step 1:  Remember to breath. I have a weird habit of holding my breath or breathing shallowly when I am bothered. Taking a few deep breaths almost instantly helps me calm down. Step 2: Grab a crystal. Rose quartz literally pulls the negativity from my energy field. This is my personal favorite, but I suggest you use which ever crystal puts you in a good mood. You can also Google search which crystals are known specifically for giving positive energy. Step 3: Have a mantra on standby. It doesn't have to be fancy or esoteric, just something that quickly shifts your thoughts and emotions. It can be as simple as "This does not serve me, so there's no need to worry about it" or "I always choose happiness". You can say it out loud or in your mind. Put a smile on and keep reciting your mantra until ...

The power is in you!

In my 27 years of life, I've learned that when we look to outside resources for love, happiness and security, we will be disappointed. I'm not saying people or objects can't offer us these things. The problem comes when we rely on external things for our happiness. The disappointment should be embraced because it leads us inward. Everything we desire is already inside of us. All of us, at some point, have relied on a romantic partner for love happiness. When we do this, we are handing over our personal power and making someone else responsible for us. Usually the partner cannot handle this responsibility and it's not fair to make them try. When you practice self love, a relationship is a plus, not a need. Love feels new and free. You no longer are dependent. Nobody can take care of you like you can! 😊 Another example is when people feel like once they have a certain amount of money or a particular career, then they will be happy and secure. I absolutely agree that ...

Why you should disengage from the news

Even as a child, I've always wondered why people would want to watch a TV program that informs you about murder in your neighborhood, for an hour straight. The news airs 3-4 times per day, the earliest time is about 7am. So people are waking up and immediately filling their subconscious with disturbing information. It comes on during lunch, after work, and then bedtime. It's called a "program" for a reason. The news programs people to live in fear. The news is meant to keep people constantly in survival mode. I haven't watched the news in over 4 years. I don't feel the need to "keep up with what's happening". I'm well aware that bad things happen in the world, I don't need it reiterated to me throughout my day. The news magnifies negative events so well that we forget about the beauty happening all over the world. I personally believe that the good outweighs the evil. It would be difficult for me to believe that if I watched negative c...

Ask the universe these 3 questions and watch what happens!

What if everything worked out fine? How would I feel if I had everything I desired? What can I do to help bring in my manifestations? Dwell on each question. Set an intention to receive the answers. Allow yourself to feel those magical emotions that come up when you ask these questions. Be positive and expect amazing things!

What is your purpose?

What a prevalent question! Many people want to figure out why they exist. I believe that everybody in this world has one beautiful purpose in common: To serve each other! 😊 Humans feel absolutely amazing when they contribute to the well being of other humans. Even the ones who are a little rough around the edges, still get a kick out of making others feel good. No matter the condition of the world, majority of people will always want to help other people. The most important part of each of our life journeys is to learn compassion and unconditional love , for ourselves and the people we coexist with. I fulfill my purpose by teaching people what I know about self love and self development, as I learn. I donate to charities, even if it's only a few dollars. I hold the door open for people, compliment people, and I allow people to vent to me. You don't have to have degrees, be a millionaire, or be famous to impact the world. You don't need and an audience. A few words of en...

Balanced emotions lead to better decision making

Too much or too little of anything can be detrimental. In my opinion, balance is the key to life. Have you ever saw a mugshot of someone on the news, and they were arrested because a confrontation got completely out of control? What about that one friend we all have who is so attached to their toxic partner that they won't leave? Unbalanced emotions will put you in situations that you could possibly regret later.  I keep my emotions in check by embracing the fact that I am an emotional being, and that it is normal to be so. Then I remind myself that balance is healthy. There is a time to be emotional and there is a time to be practical. We must find the midpoint. Our emotions don't control us, we control our emotions.  Think before acting. This is important. Before you react, take a step back to deliberate. Ask yourself questions like  "Does this situation benefit me?" "Is my life being threatened right now?" "Is all this mess worth it?"...