
Showing posts from 2019

"You can give yourself a clean slate WHENEVER you choose to!"

New years day is an amazing time to "start over", but what if I told you that a fresh start is your choice? Fortunately, this is true! Pressing your life's reset button is completely up to you. You are the creator of your world so you make all the rules. If you want a do-over, make it happen. You don't have to beat yourself up about past mistakes. This is one of the luxuries of being spiritual individuals in human form!

Powerful affirmations you should try right now! 💞

Here's a list of life changing affirmations. The more you say them, the more effective they are. These affirmations work for me, so I know they will work for you. Enjoy! 🦄🌈 I love how beautifully my life is unfolding Things always work out for me My life gets better and better My thoughts are always positive  I am creating my dream life I can manifest anything I want Difficult times are temporary I always have enough money I am completely healthy I am in charge of my reality I have unlimited magic Possibilities are unlimited I receive blessings and miracles everyday I always get the best case scenario My mind is free I am love

Reminder: You are in control of your world, darling

You have control over your life, your attitude, your thoughts and emotions. You decide who you want in your life and who needs to be removed. You chose whether you want to have a good day or not. Too often, we rely on everything and everyone outside of us to be in charge of things that only we should be in control of. We expect others to make us happy, we even expect others to heal us from pain and trauma. Then we get angry when they can't meet the expectations we put on them. I've noticed that in the past, people hated being told to focus on themselves or to love themselves, but more and more, people are finally realizing that this is crucial. It is must. True freedom and fulfillment comes when we aware that we are our own heroes. Nobody can do for you what you can do for you. Some may ask "well what's the point of relationships/friendships if we can do everything for ourselves?" Relationships and friendships have deeper meaning and value when all parties inv...

Triggered much? Read this.

Despite what social media trolls say, it's normal to be triggered. When we go through unpleasant experiences, they stay in our memory for some time. Anything can be a trigger. If you were bullied as a child, certain things people say, or the way the say it to you, may remind you of the bullying. You may start to feel the same emotions you felt as a kid. Triggers are simply unresolved issues that bring about unwanted emotions. They are not meant to disturb you forever. When something triggers you, before you react, stop and sit with your feelings. Ask yourself "Why does (whatever triggered you) make me feel this way?" Get to the root of it. Be completely honest with yourself.  From a spiritual aspect, I believe that triggers come to remind us where we are in our journeys. What issues still need your attention? How will you solve them? We are not meant to live our lives offended, sad and angry. Triggers are about learning how to control your emotions, and ultimately...

Are you ready for 2020?

It's the end of the year! A very exciting time for me, personally, because I love to set intentions for the new year. 2020 will be full of miracles, blessings and abundance! Don't hope for it, expect it. It's time for a fresh start. No more dwelling on old experiences. It's time to get focused.  The four P's Positive Patience Passion/Purpose Present In 2020 we will remain positive, continue practicing patience, figure out our passion/purpose (I believe that whatever you are passionate about is usually your purpose) or if you already know it, focus and stay consistent with it, and staying present is key. If you believe this will be an amazing year, it will be. Get ready my loves, you are finally about to experience the life you deserve! Peace and love

Stop and look at your progress

Sometimes we can't see our progress because we have a specific way we plan for things to unfold. This is why we should always practice mindfulness and gratitude. Pay attention to how life is going in your favor. See the big picture. Be excited, knowing the universe is helping you create your perfect reality! Stop what you are doing and think about where you've come from. Look at the difference, big or little. Acknowledge how far you have come and rejoice!  Peace and love

Quick update

Hey babes! So I've recently started back going to school and I had no clue it would be this time consuming! I apologize for not writing as often as I should. I will be back with some awesome topics very soon! Love you guys!

I've launched my podcast! Check it out 😎

Hey babies! I have finally started my podcast and I am super excited! It's called "Mind meadow Podcast". It's published on Anchor and will be available on Spotify in the near future. Click  here  to listen 🎧

Testimony text | Encouragement | Manifesting magic

I don't normally post these,  but this text meant a lot to me! I'm so happy that I am helping to encourage others, this my life purpose! I hope this "testimony" reminds you to be consistent and have faith 🥰

Things are always changing... For the better!

Many of us can testify that sometimes things in life don't go as smoothly as we would want them to. For me personally, my past has been pretty rough. I've struggle to the point where I couldn't look on the "bright side" because there didn't seem like such a side existed. My life changed rapidly and drastically. At first, it was difficult for me to believe that my life was changing for the better because I've had so many experiences where things were looking up, and then suddenly fell apart. This times around things really were going great. Till this day, things get better and better. Sometimes we get caught up in thinking that things will remain as they currently are, forever. Life is always changing. Rest assure that things will look up for you. Even if you can't think of a logic way that it would. Even if you see no signs. Even when you don't feel like having faith. This advice is coming from a person who, at one point, thought she was doomed...

How I grew my hair by talking to it 🗣️💆 - The power of words

I am a strong believer in the power of words. I feel that we have the ability to speak things into existence, heal our bodies, create our realities and much more, with the use of our words. I speak kind words to my body/organs, my food, my water, my flowers, practically everything around me gets a positive conversation! I recently resumed my hair journey. This time around, I decided to give my hair consistent verbal praise. As I massaged my scalp with oil or conditioner,  I would say things such as "Thanks for being so healthy and thick." "I'm so amazed at how fast you grow!" "Thank you for allowing every hair product I use on you to nourish and strengthen you." (I also spoke gratitude to the hair products as I used them.) I also visualized my hair being the way I wanted it to eventually be. So far, I've been speaking to my hair and hair products everyday for the past 2 weeks.  During this time,  my hair has improved DRASTICALLY. My ha...

Tools for our evolution - New perspective about past struggles

All September long I have been clearing out old patterns, breaking cycles, gaining new insight and getting adjusted to the new and improved me. Many of us have a habit of ruminating about situations that hurt us. We carry the pain around for years. Fortunately, there is a way to heal and break free. Give your past sufferings a new title. I call my past hurt "tools". They are tools that helped me grow and evolve.  They helped mold me and build me. I am now an authentic version of myself because of these tools. Despite the pain, I am grateful for my experience with them. This analogy can be used as a visualization.  Imagine putting your "tools" away in a toolbox and only acknowledge them when necessary. By necessary I mean acknowledge them when you need to be humbled. Think of them when you need a reminder to be thankful for where you are now versus then. Don't spend excessive time with them. Get what you need and step back into the present. Find your...

Heal your body with your Mind - Video

Here's another cool YouTube  video I've come across about healing and curing your body! Check it out!

Amazing Divine message for us all. 🥰

Today I had a conversation with Peace, Happiness, and Bliss.  I asked them "What can I do to experience you, constantly?" They replied, "Don't be so quick to call on us every time you feel pain or confusion. Tough times are meant to grab your attention. Those times have some of the most deepest lessons for you. Once you learn the lesson, we will follow immediately afterwards." Just wow.  I hope this message did something for your spirit like it did for mine. 😊


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Facing your mental fears - Transmuting energy

I had a few subconscious fears come to surface over the weekend. When this has happened in the past, I would be so shaken up that I would quickly tuck them away again. This time, I welcomed them with a smile.  "Come here, fears. Let me show you how a goddess uses alchemy!" -My higher self Everything is energy, including fear. Intentional or unintentional, fear is a form of programming. It is taught. It's very possible to unlearn fear. When people hear this, they assume being fearless means you will do things like stand in front of a gun. Eliminating fear does not mean eliminate your common sense as well lol. First, be honest with yourself. Is there anything in the back of your mind that makes you feel uncomfortable? What words, places or people trigger fear in you? When you figure that out, ask yourself why. Be brave, be honest and be gentle with yourself. Don't judge yourself. Healing your inner being takes bravery! Feel relief that you are finally about t...

Message from nature - Follow your path - Trust yourself

I took a hike the other day, and as I walked, I spotted a trail that I've never seen before. It almost seemed hidden. I eagerly walked over to the trail to check it out. Immediately I noticed that this trail was different from the other trails. It looked similar to the edge of a mountain. It was narrow and high up, with a river flowing below. It was beautiful, yet terrifying, to say the least. At first I doubted the path. It appeared to be dangerous. No one else was on it. I even wondered if the hiking sign at the entrance was mistakenly placed there. But for some reason, my feet wouldn't stop moving! I curiously walked along the trail, wondering where I would end up. I stumble across a big rock and sat down. I had already planned on finding somewhere to relax and write in my journal, and this seemed to be a good spot. I was thrilled about my new found bravery. I had nothing specific to write about, but I knew something would come to me, and it did. 😊 I turned the e...

Do you really NOT CARE what they think?

I talk a lot about this topic because much of our suffering comes from taking the opinions of other people to the heart. We say "I don't care what people think", but when we overhear others gossiping about us, we get upset. We internalize what they say. "When you are genuinely a great person with good intentions, focusing on your personal growth, enjoying life and showing compassion for others,  you already won the battle before it started!" -My higher self I noticed a woman (someone I've known for a while, long story) frowning at my car. At first I thought she was frowning at me,  as she has done in the past, but I later realized she was appalled by the paint chipping off of the hood of my car. 😂 For a quick second, I felt offended. Then the message that I quoted above came through. No need to try and convince them to change their mind about you. No need for any animosity towards them. No need to prove them wrong or seek revenge. Think abou...

Changing others by changing your mind

A few months ago, I had a very interesting thought. What would happen if I changed the negative thoughts I had about certain people, to positive thoughts? For example, if I labeled someone as a liar, what if I countered that with "This person may have lied before, but this person could still be awesome. Anyone can change." I figured this would be a challenge for me because I am a practical thinker. If you've lied to me several times, you are, indeed, a liar in my book. However, when I have ill feelings towards someone, it usually doesn't sit well with me. Sometimes the feelings aren't necessarily ill. There may be people who have rubbed you the wrong or your friends may tell you something about someone and you might subconsciously assume that person's character. I no longer resonated with this way of being. Changing how you view others will benefit both you and them. You get the peace and satisfaction of learning how to be more open minded and compass...

The danger of believing "This is too good to be true." 😱

"Things are going too well, something is bound to happen." "There's always a calm before the storm." "This is too good to be true." We've all used one of these phrases at some point. Years ago, I repeated these things so much that they became a part of my belief system. The law of attraction is always working, rather we are paying attention or not. Our realities are created based off of our beliefs. What we believe, we receive. Therefore, if you believe that having a great day is far-fetched, you won't have great days. Before I had my spiritual awakening, I felt lost. I thought that my life was full of random events and that I had no control, whatsoever. Looking back, I realize my beliefs influenced many of those "random events". When things went well for me, I would think "Oh man, what's about to happen?". I was literally creating unpleasant experiences for myself because I was  expecting  them. I believe we r...

Your soul tribe 🥰

I recently came to the realization that I have people in my life that are compatible with my old self. These are people that I love and care about, but they no longer resonate with who I currently am. When you begin to unlearn old ways of being, you step into your authentic self. During this process, you inevitably start to notice that the company you keep may not benefit you anymore. This does not mean they are bad people. If you feel uncomfortable, or you feel like you can't say certain things without being judged negatively, these people are most likely not your soul tribe. There are some friends and relatives who subliminally disrespect/insult you and it may fly over your head, but your spirit will feel it. For example, when I first mentioned I wanted to be a homemaker, one response I got from someone was "Oh, I couldn't do it. I'm not the type to sit around with my hand out..." Another person's response was "That's awesome! I know a bun...

You ARE making progress!

Many people feel stagnant and unsuccessful because they are comparing their progress to other people's progress. Some people feel like they aren't making it anywhere because they haven't made a "big" accomplishment. We believe that material or financial gain is what makes us successful. This is not necessarily true. Anything that you are consistently working on improving, you will see progress in. You can work on your handwriting, you can expand your vocabulary, you can avoid arguments, when normally you engage in them. If you are usually sad and you notice that as of lately, you've been having more content days, that is a HUGE accomplishment. I have a history of depression so personally, having happy days is considered major progress to me. Everyday you are making progress, just pay attention.  Anytime you notice your growth, try writing it down. If you've made it a habit to wear your seatbelt, write it down. If you are beginning to stand up for y...

Why I don't believe in "hope" and you shouldn't either

We are creators, Gods, Goddesses, source energy, etc.  We are a part of the universe. With that being said, we are POWERFUL. We have the ability to create whatever we want. When I set an intention to manifest, I do not hope for it . I am CERTAIN that my manifestation will come into fruition. If God had to hope, we would view God as unreliable. People would probably even lose faith. We are certain that God is certain.  If we are made in God's image, we too are Gods.  Therefore, there is no need to ever "hope". I have never created anything through hoping. I believe in my power.  This word carries energy of powerlessness.  It's used by people who are unaware of who they really are and what they are capable of. I encourage you to stand firm in your own power.  Take "hope" out of your vocabulary and start believing in yourself, 100%. Peace, love and light 🥰

You are important! You matter! (Regardless of titles)

Have you ever noticed that many people introduce themselves like this?  "Hi! My name is John Doe and I am a Registered nurse with 4 degrees, I'm an introvert, a Democrat, an atheist and a vegan. Nice to meet you!" Well, maybe not exactly like this 😂 but my point is, people are obsessed with titles! We want to feel like we are apart of something. We want to "belong". Our egos have a desperate need to attach itself to labels. These labels give us a sense of power and importance. Labels and titles can be harmless, but when we identify with them, that's where the trouble begins. We measure our value through the names people call us and the names we call ourselves. We even compare ourselves to others through titles. Someone with little money may identify as "broke". Because there is a negative meaning behind the term "broke", this person may feel negatively about their self. Another example, someone with a PhD might begin to feel or b...

The Narcissist trend - Unpopular opinion (Disclaimer at the end)

The term "narcissist" is overused. This word is being thrown around so carelessly. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a real mental disorder and many people do suffer from it. But.. The average everyday ass hole is not a narcissist. The person who cut you off on the expressway this morning is not a narcissist. Your best friend who posts tons of selfies on Facebook is not a narcissist. Your ex partner who cheated on you is not narcissist. Many people try to "diagnose" other people with NPD because it gives them comfort. It's relieving to find a label for your pain. However, just because things don't go your way, or people don't behave the way you want them to behave, does not make them a narcissist. The amount of people who are choosing to make themselves victims because they've been introduced to this word is alarmingly increasing. Your ex may have been selfish, but to be a narcissist, you have to score pretty high on the spectrum. ...

Paradigms - Be a free thinker!

Through social programming, we are all taught concepts that are labeled as "true". For example, most people believe that the earth is round. These concepts are accepted world wide, sometimes without being questioned. When a large amount of people agree on an idea, this is called a "paradigm". I always encourage free thinking because if you aren't questioning what you are being told, you will  believe anything . You will carry certain notions, simply because the majority of the world (or the majority of people in your environment) carries them. I am not saying that all paradigms are bad. I am saying that no matter how strong the energy is behind certain beliefs, no matter how many people conclude the beliefs to be right, you should still question it. You will find that many paradigms are becoming obsolete. If you aren't being mindful, you could be following limiting beliefs, unknowingly. Sometimes paradigms are made when someone says a few fancy words, ...

Share the website! 😀

If you enjoy my blogs, please share my website with your family and friends! Post the link on your social media! Thanks for all the love and support 💜

Get into alignment with your goals TODAY!

Many people talk about what they want, but they aren't in alignment with those wants. For example, I know many girls who want love and marriage but they settle for being someone's "something to do". Being in alignment means your heart, mind, spirit and actions should all agree. If you wanted to become a doctor, would you go to college and study engineering? You should be in sync with everything that has to do with being a doctor. Get  clear about what you want. Set strong boundaries and don't let anyone or anything convice you to break them. Start to view yourself in a brighter light. You are worthy! You deserve everything you desire! Read my  "acting as if"  blog to learn more ways to get yourself in alignment. Peace and love 💖

Forgiveness is for YOU, not them.

Even when they don't apologize, forgive them. This doesn't mean you have to invite them back into your life, it means cherish yourself enough to let go of what hurts you.   I forgive people easiest when I • Remind myself that my ego is the one holding the grudge. • Use compassion to understand the other persons point of view. • Remind myself to stay way from the "victim mentality". • Remind myself that disliking someone puts a lot of my energy and focus on them. When you choose to forgive, you won't always feel relief right away. Forgive when YOU are ready to, but try not to prolong it. You don't have to make the person aware that you are letting go. You are doing this for you.  Peace and love 💜      

Acting as if - Manifesting

Instead of waiting for your manifestation/blessing to show up, act like you already have it! Our feelings play a huge part in manifesting. The universe responds to our frequency. If you desire a new car, you have to imagine that you already have it. Use all of your senses. Smell the new car scent. Feel the steering wheel in your hands. Imagine the wind in your hair while you're driving to the beach. If you're home, pretend the car is parked outside. Sit with that feeling of satisfaction. Hold on to it for as long as you can. Visualizing, in detail, will put you in the right frequency. The frequency to receive.  "Acting as if" is the most effective way to manifest. Get rid of the idea of "waiting". Time is an illusion. Stay present and let your desires appear in your life like magic. If you have just discovered the law of attraction, these exercises may feel silly at first. With consistency, it will become second nature. Remember, manifesting requir...

The magic in having faith

When we have repetitive experiences,  our minds begin to believe that we will always get certain results in certain situations.  For example, if you continuously apply for jobs, but the employers never call you back, most likely you will start to believe that you have "bad luck" regarding employment. You might become discouraged and stop filling out job applications all together. "Faith" is a term that I became familiar with when I started to attend church. Although that was almost a decade ago and I no longer attend church,  I never let go of the concept of faith. I have faith in my ability to create the life I want.  Learn how to detach from outcomes. Try not to be too specific, but instead,  be flexible about how and when you will recieve your desires. For example if you decide you want an extra $500, don't say "I want to win the lottery on blank date". When you do this, you are creating limitations. Remember, possibilities are endless! Yo...

Your "problem" might just be your POWER!

I grew up in a household where emotions weren't expressed. Actually, anger was expressed at times, but softer emotions were practically non-existent. My parents didn't know how (or didn't have the patience) to validate my feelings, so anytime I tried to convey how I felt, I was dismissed. Consequently, I had trouble being vocal and I carried this into my adulthood. Disclaimer: (I am not a mute lol! I am extremely talkative around people I know. I have an introvert personality.) Early school life I still remember the looks on my 1st grade teachers faces when my 6 year old self told them I wanted to be a novelist When I grew up. I would write tons of short stories, created my own little magazines, and I communicated best through writing notes. Friends I found myself unknowingly gravitating towards people who were carefree, opinionated and verbally expressive. I admired these characteristics. I was the "shy" friend. I felt most comfortable communicating wit...

16 reasons why you shouldn't give a f**k about what people think of you (Uncensored)

I absolutely love listening to people talk about their problems (I'm not even being sarcastic). Many people face the same problem, and that is caring way too much about how others perceive them. People internalize everything other people say to them, say about them, or even the things they think   people are thinking of them! Here are some of my thoughts about this "problem". 1. Why would you let someone tell you about yourself, when a lot of these folks don't even know who THEY are?? 2. No matter how rich, poor, attractive, unattractive, popular or unpopular you are, someone will have something to say about you. 3. The only person you need to impress is YOU! 4. We live in an opinionated society. Some people have nothing better to do than gossip. 5. Don't feel angry, feel honored. 6. This is YOUR life to live. You're not a puppet. 7. Standing in your truth inspires people to stand in theirs. 8. Own EVERYTHING about you, even your embarrassing moments...

A simpler way to breaking unwanted habits

When breaking a habit, it's always good to have a more effective and beneficial habit to replace that old habit. For example, I used to eat candy often. Now, whenever I crave candy, I go straight for blueberries. Blueberries are sweet and healthy and they also satisfy my craving. This works for me. Of course, with everything, you should always have balance. That means don't over indulge, because too much of anything can become harmful. Whatever unwanted habits you have, mental or physical, write them down on one side of a paper. On the other side, write down what new habits you want to implement in your life. Here's some examples. Unwanted habit                 New habit  Eating meat               Veggie version of favorite meats Social media              Paint, write, read a book Sleeping a lot            Go for a run I per...

Powerful mantra/affirmation

"The universe has everything rigged in my favor!" This mantra comes from a quote by Rumi, that goes, "Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor". I affirm these words all the time and I've gotten miraculous results. I definitely recommend you try it!

Just be happy 😄

You don't have to search for reasons to be happy. You don't have to compare your life to others.  You don't have to dwell on what you have or haven't done. You can simply just choose to be happy.  Right now in this present moment,  give your self permission to feel happiness and bliss throughout your whole body. Block out any thought that does not make you feel happy.  This is such a powerful frequency to be in. You can manifest quickly in this state as well!

Assigning people their correct roles in your life

Sometimes, we might meet a person, find them attractive, funny and smart, and automatically want a romantic relationship with them. Only to realize later, after much trial and error, that this person is not "relationship material". This happens with friends, family, business partners, etc. Upon meeting people, we have to really get to know them. That means allow them to come as they are. No interference. No assumptions. No expectations. Let people be exactly who they are. If they are the type of person you wouldn't mind having in your life, you can choose to allow them in. Just because a person may have some characteristics that you want in a partner, does not always make them qualified to be your partner. The better you get at assigning people the right roles in your life, the better you can connect with people. You'll look back and think, "If only I had known that the guy I was seeing a few months ago was better off as a business partner, we would probabl...

Dear dad,

Time seems to be moving at the speed of light these days. It's been 4 years since you've passed away, but it feels like you just left. Tomorrow is father's day. To be completely honest, I don't keep up with this holiday. Not because it makes me sad, I just don't want to accidentally turn that day into a trigger, if that makes sense. I miss you. You'll be happy to know that I don't cry that often when I think about you anymore. I usually only cry when I picture myself walking down the aisle to my future husband, with no one to give me away. I've grown so much since you've gone. I feel like we would be so tight right now, if you were still here. We would have a completely different bond. Death is so different in my eyes now. I guess I never really thought too much about it until it hit home. It's still a mystery to me, but I'm happy to say my fear of it decreased a bit.. They say we choose our parents. I know for a fact that I chose ...

Ridding the old and welcoming the new! (Ritual)

Over the weekend, my best friend and I did a ritual where we wrote down all of the things that we no longer accepted, that no longer benefited us, and things that we wanted gone, permanently . We lit sage sticks, surrounded ourselves with healing crystal and candles, played 528 Hz frequency music and began to write. We took a few deep breaths, cleared our minds, and affirmed out loud what we were letting go of. Then we burned the papers. We watched as our old beliefs quietly burned away, never to return. After the ritual, on smaller pieces of paper, we wrote down words that we wanted to use to describe us and our new lives. Powerful Brave Love Compassionate Energetic Healthy Just to name a few.. We taped the small papers to our own water bottles. We thanked the universe (God) for this new chapter in our lives, and we drink our water. This activity symbolized that we were "pouring into ourselves". Pouring intentional  things into our spirits. The following morning...

How to transmute energy

People all over the world are beginning to realize that we have more power over our lives than we thought. So much power, that we can control energy in many different ways. One of those ways is called "transmutation". Here's the definition of transmute, according to Google. Transmute /tranz'myōōt/ Verb Change in form, nature, or substance.  Flip the script When you feel negative energy, think about what is causing it. Say your co-worker said something that triggered. You can feel yourself getting angry. Find a way to flip the whole situation around. Take a few breaths. Remind yourself not to take things so personal. Everyone expresses themselves differently, it might come off rude, but they may not mean any harm. Another example is changing the meaning to things. You may, out of habit of learned behavior, find bugs scary. When you see a spider, try thinking good things about the spider. Before you know it, your fear of spiders will start to seem silly.  Fin...

Look for the good

Sometimes a situation can seem so terrible, but when it's all over, you find the most amazing blessings.

Learn how to manifest like magic!

Click  here  to learn some of my personal favorite manifesting techniques!

“The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed – it is a process of elimination.” -Elbert Hubbard

To create a beautiful life, one must "chip away" anything unnecessary. Anything that is not of use to you has to be let go of. You are the sculptor. The sculpture is your life. Create a masterpiece! 💛 

Heal your body with your mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza

Here's a video I've come across about healing yourself with the power of thought. Click Here , enjoy and remember to keep an open mind!

Focus on feeling good! Fun Tips

I do several things that help me stay in a good mood. 1. Visualizing my future life. Knowing that I have the power to create my reality makes me feel amazing! 2. Doing things that I like to do. Reading, yoga, hanging out with friends. These things always keep my vibes high.  3. Repeating happy affirmations. Simply saying "I am always in a fabulous mood" with a smile on my face, keeps my spirits up! 4. Switching things up. Rearranging furniture, buying new perfume,  exploring a different genre of music. New experiences help you eliminate stagnation and gives you a rush of excitement.   5. Transmute negativity. I learned how to turn mostly everything negative into a positive. If I'm working hard on an article and suddenly my computer freezes, instead of getting angry,  I'll say "Maybe I need a break so I can come back and really give this article all I have!"  6. Breath! Inhale gratitude, exhale stress! 

Reject anything that does not serve you.

By "serve",  I mean things that feed your soul.  Things that help you flourish and live your life ,blissfully. 💕 Quickly dismiss thoughts, feelings, and conversations that are negative. At this time, we are manifesting like magic!  There is no time to entertain negativity. We can't afford to indulge in low frequencies. Whatever you desire is coming into fruition quickly, so you must stay on your A-game! Keep your vibes high!  Peace and love

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Twitter:  @ _LateshaRenee_  🐤 Youtube: Latesha Renee  📺 Snapchat: lavishlifetesh 👻 I love you guys! Thanks for supporting me! 

Becoming vegan: Where to start 🥗🍝🍓🥑

I finally made the decision to become vegan! I'm so excited, this is definitely something to celebrate about! Choosing this path can seem overwhelming at first, but I'm going to tell you guys every step I took to make it easier. Know exactly why you want to be Vegan I chose to change my diet for two reasons. One, I no longer have a taste for animal (I love animals so much and the thought of eating their carcasses has become increasingly disturbing). The second reason is that "junk food" is beginning to take a toll on my body, to the point I can no longer ignore it. What's your personal reason for this amazing lifestyle change? Figure it out, be proud and stand strong in it! Look up a "vegan grocery list" I had no clue where to start when it came to which foods I should buy. There are tons of vegan food shopping lists online. There's even some budget friendly lists so that you can eat clean without tapping into your savings! Click  here t...

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Daily inspiration, random pieces of my personal life, fun quotes and more! 

Reminder 😊


Migraine sufferers... Read this.

A few months ago, I began to get migraines every morning, 5 times per week, for 2 months straight! I prefer not to get into details, but as you may have guessed, it was horrific. Whenever I got a break from the excruciating nightmare, I would research ways I could get relief. A few things helped, but the migraines persisted. I remembered something I learned from one of my spiritual teachers, "Listen to what your body is trying to tell you". My body told me that my posture is terrible, so bad that it caused a bunch of trigger points to form in my neck. I started giving myself neck massages throughout the day, 30 minutes at a time. It worked immediately. The migraines stopped the same day and I haven't had one since. If you feel like you've tried everything to get rid of migraines, check your posture. If you do find trigger points in your neck, massage them downward, not upward. Prior to finding out the actual cause of my migraines, things that gave me relief were ...

For her: "Boss up" after break up 💔

Many women think that bossing up after a break up means to get a new man, look cute, take trips with the girls, etc. Although I believe these things help 100 percent, I've also found other really important ways to boss up after a break up. Disappear Completely. Change your number, deactivate your social media accounts for a bit, block his email, move to a new city. In a nutshell, vanish! This helps you prove to yourself that you don't even care to show him the new and improved you. He doesn't need to know you have a new boo, a better job, or that your skin cleared up and you look stunning. It's none of his business! Don't give him the pleasure of being able to get updates on your new life without him. You are not doing this for him, you are doing this for you. You did enough proving yourself during the relationship. You don't have to prove a damn thing to him now. Let him feel your absence! 😎 Don't be sad for too long Everything points us towa...

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For her: Manifesting your soulmate Part 1💕

This is one of my favorite topics! Although it's fun and exciting, there is more to this process than you may think. I will be giving you some helpful tips below! Cut ALL   ties with any ex partners I don't know why this is so difficult for a lot of women! It's like refusing to move out of a studio apartment when you have a mansion waiting for you! 😂 If you are serious about attracting the man of your dreams, you must make room for him. The universe is not going to send you a decent man, only for you to have him caught up in your baggage. Move on, sis. If your ex was your soulmate, you wouldn't be reading a blog about how to manifest your soulmate...  Start the self love journey I know, its starting to sound cliche. We cannot give love without loving ourselves first. Deliberately taking care of my mind body and soul was a game changer! I started eating better, dressing nicer, paying attention to my thoughts, validating my own feelings, etc. With this st...

Give up the need to be right

This is a message that keeps being brought to my attention. I am a very precise woman. I reject anything that does not seem accurate to me. I don't like guessing, I need to know. I hate assumptions, I want  facts. When I believe I am right, I feel strongly about my opinion, like most people. This is part of the reason I am an introvert, I take other peoples (and my own) inaccuracy personally.  I am so thankful for this message because it puts my ego in check. I am gradually learning that some things just don't matter. Having the ability to observe and not judge makes me feel free. I'm no longer pressed about trying to prove a point. I can actually wash my hands of people and things, and let that be the end of it. I don't argue with people. My pride is not fragile. It's becoming easier and easier for me to just walk away and never think about it again.  Sometimes, trying to be right robs you of your peace of mind. Even if you are right, don't make it so ...

Tarot reading sale! 🔮

I'm offering 3 card readings Past - present - future Price: $5.55 Paypal: If you are interested, comment or email me at my paypal email address! 

5 Life-Transforming Habits You Need To Practice ASAP

Click 👉  here  👈 to check out my most popular read on This article is filled with a ton of life changing info 😊

For her!

I will be posting a series of blogs that are specifically for women! I will be talking about dating, attracting your soulmate, mom chit-chat and more! To find the blogs easier you can type "For her" in the search bar above! I'm super excited about this upcoming content, stay tuned 😊😊

I encourage you to choose happiness 😊

When you are ready to choose happiness, you have to be ready to let go of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE who no longer serve you. This can be easy or hard, it depends on what you believe. Letting go of my ex felt like torture. I was a slave to familiarity and comfortability.  I was an introvert with little to no friends, so I convinced myself for a  long  time that he was all I had. He was my quick fix, but I knew that long term, we would end up in a disastrous situation.  I mustard up all the courage and self discipline I had in me, and walked away from him. You would think that anything toxic would be easy to walk away from... Lack of self love will have you settling for  anything. Many people stay in situations, jobs and relationships that they aren't happy in. I look at it like this, everybody is always talking about how "life is short", so what sense does it make to spend any amount of time putting energy into things that don't make us feel good? Don't...

Self love will always be the answer

Practicing self love is important because the more you value yourself, the better decisions you make for yourself. People will treat a $10 watch from Walmart way differently than they would treat a $10,000 Rolex. What is considered valuable will be treated as such. Not too long ago, I was treating myself poorly, without realizing it. I was entertaining jobs, friends and partners who made me feel terrible. I settled because I didn't know how worthy I was. I didn't necessarily feel worthless, but I put everything and everyone else on a pedestal while I sat on the back burner. Put YOURSELF on a pedestal. I'm not saying be arrogant and cocky, I'm saying you should be your most important priority. You should feel special and loved and significant! The more I implemented self care into my life, the more I began to realize how much disrespect I had been tolerating. Things I didn't even notice was disrespect before became so blatantly clear to me. Being lied to, yelled ...

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Freedom comes when we let go of expectation!

My daily tarot card today was "5 of swords". This card popped out of the deck at least 4 times this morning, so I knew for sure that whatever lesson it had for me, I needed to learn immediately. Even if you don't necessarily believe in tarot, you can still take some valuable info from the overall message given below. 😊 This card showed me that my personal beliefs can block me from seeing the bigger picture. Each and every one of us are on our own life journeys. We have our own set of conscious and subconscious beliefs that we learn from our parents, peers, experiences, etc. As we socialize, we realize everyone does not think like us, which is actually a great thing. But we live in a society where many people believe that if you don't agree with their beliefs, you are "wrong" or "stupid". Most of our disappointment comes from expectation. We expect people to think and behave the way WE want them too. This is not healthy. We come to peo...

How to go from angry to happy, fast!

I rarely get upset, but when I do, I've learned how to quickly bring myself back to a place of serenity. These steps can be used in any order. Enjoy! 😊 Step 1:  Remember to breath. I have a weird habit of holding my breath or breathing shallowly when I am bothered. Taking a few deep breaths almost instantly helps me calm down. Step 2: Grab a crystal. Rose quartz literally pulls the negativity from my energy field. This is my personal favorite, but I suggest you use which ever crystal puts you in a good mood. You can also Google search which crystals are known specifically for giving positive energy. Step 3: Have a mantra on standby. It doesn't have to be fancy or esoteric, just something that quickly shifts your thoughts and emotions. It can be as simple as "This does not serve me, so there's no need to worry about it" or "I always choose happiness". You can say it out loud or in your mind. Put a smile on and keep reciting your mantra until ...

The power is in you!

In my 27 years of life, I've learned that when we look to outside resources for love, happiness and security, we will be disappointed. I'm not saying people or objects can't offer us these things. The problem comes when we rely on external things for our happiness. The disappointment should be embraced because it leads us inward. Everything we desire is already inside of us. All of us, at some point, have relied on a romantic partner for love happiness. When we do this, we are handing over our personal power and making someone else responsible for us. Usually the partner cannot handle this responsibility and it's not fair to make them try. When you practice self love, a relationship is a plus, not a need. Love feels new and free. You no longer are dependent. Nobody can take care of you like you can! 😊 Another example is when people feel like once they have a certain amount of money or a particular career, then they will be happy and secure. I absolutely agree that ...

Why you should disengage from the news

Even as a child, I've always wondered why people would want to watch a TV program that informs you about murder in your neighborhood, for an hour straight. The news airs 3-4 times per day, the earliest time is about 7am. So people are waking up and immediately filling their subconscious with disturbing information. It comes on during lunch, after work, and then bedtime. It's called a "program" for a reason. The news programs people to live in fear. The news is meant to keep people constantly in survival mode. I haven't watched the news in over 4 years. I don't feel the need to "keep up with what's happening". I'm well aware that bad things happen in the world, I don't need it reiterated to me throughout my day. The news magnifies negative events so well that we forget about the beauty happening all over the world. I personally believe that the good outweighs the evil. It would be difficult for me to believe that if I watched negative c...

Ask the universe these 3 questions and watch what happens!

What if everything worked out fine? How would I feel if I had everything I desired? What can I do to help bring in my manifestations? Dwell on each question. Set an intention to receive the answers. Allow yourself to feel those magical emotions that come up when you ask these questions. Be positive and expect amazing things!

What is your purpose?

What a prevalent question! Many people want to figure out why they exist. I believe that everybody in this world has one beautiful purpose in common: To serve each other! 😊 Humans feel absolutely amazing when they contribute to the well being of other humans. Even the ones who are a little rough around the edges, still get a kick out of making others feel good. No matter the condition of the world, majority of people will always want to help other people. The most important part of each of our life journeys is to learn compassion and unconditional love , for ourselves and the people we coexist with. I fulfill my purpose by teaching people what I know about self love and self development, as I learn. I donate to charities, even if it's only a few dollars. I hold the door open for people, compliment people, and I allow people to vent to me. You don't have to have degrees, be a millionaire, or be famous to impact the world. You don't need and an audience. A few words of en...

Balanced emotions lead to better decision making

Too much or too little of anything can be detrimental. In my opinion, balance is the key to life. Have you ever saw a mugshot of someone on the news, and they were arrested because a confrontation got completely out of control? What about that one friend we all have who is so attached to their toxic partner that they won't leave? Unbalanced emotions will put you in situations that you could possibly regret later.  I keep my emotions in check by embracing the fact that I am an emotional being, and that it is normal to be so. Then I remind myself that balance is healthy. There is a time to be emotional and there is a time to be practical. We must find the midpoint. Our emotions don't control us, we control our emotions.  Think before acting. This is important. Before you react, take a step back to deliberate. Ask yourself questions like  "Does this situation benefit me?" "Is my life being threatened right now?" "Is all this mess worth it?"...

My articles on

Check out my articles on Sivana East! I'm so grateful for your support 💜

Big lessons from little people (When my daughter teaches me)

My daughter and I got caught in the rain the other day. It was windy, freezing cold, and I felt miserable. I have a condition called "cold urticaria" where my skin breaks out in painful hives when I'm exposed to cold weather. Yes, it's terrible. My daughter was having a good ole' time jumping in puddles and  site seeing. I, on the other hand, just wanted to hurry and get home. I said to her, "Can you walk faster and stop acting like it's warm and sunny out here!?". She smiled at me and said "It's warm and sunny to me." That comment melted my heart and made me feel silly at the same time. I love when my daughter unknowingly helps shift my perspective. Lesson: Even though a situation may not seem ideal, you can choose  to make the best of it. If you don't, try not stop other people from doing so!

My favorite daily affirmations! (Rewiring the mind)

Today I choose to be happy!                                               I am in control of my life!                                                                                           I am already enough!                                                                                                 I love myself!                       ...

"The truth is, the Universe will always take care of you."

- Esther Hicks

How focusing on negative info can create chaos.

I like to believe that most people are happy and  positive, but we all know that there are also low vibrational beings out there as well. Their purpose is to confuse us and make us fearful.  On a brighter note, when we learn to overcome their tactics, we learn, grow and level up, spiritually. Lately, I've been seeing headlines about human trafficking and organ harvesting. Although I believe there may be real cases of these incidents, I also see something a little deeper than that. Many things surface on social media, TV and radio, usually negative things, and they quickly go "viral". This information puts many of us in distress and panic. The more people talk about it, the more momentum is added to it. Repeated information becomes embedded in our minds and becomes very real to us. I strongly feel that this is one of those tactics I mentioned earlier.  My point is, be mindful of what you read and listen to. There are people out there who purposely plant negative se...